Effects of copper on humans, laboratory and farm animals, terrestrial plants and aquatic life. Crit Rev Environ Control 1982; 12: 183-255.Demayo, A., Taylor, M. C. & Taylor, K. W. (1982). Effects of copper on humans, laboratory and farm animals, terrestrial plants and aquatic life....
The release of pollutants, especially heavy metals, into the aquatic environment is known to have detrimental effects on such an environment and on living organisms including humans when those pollutants are allowed to enter the food chain. The aim of this study is to analyse the damage to Clari...
Conventional agriculture relies heavily on chemical pesticides and fertilizers to control plant pests and diseases and improve production. Nevertheless, the intensive and prolonged use of agrochemicals may have undesirable consequences on the structure, diversity, and activities of soil microbiomes, including...
For example, copper (Cu) pollution is still the major pollution indicators in marine coastal water and many river systems, which has received considerable attention in China. Cu is a necessary trace element for the growth and development of all known organisms, including humans and other ...
Hence, a number of effective therapeutic methods such as natural antibiotics (garlic, honey, ginger, etc.)16, and metal-based nanomedicine (e.g., silver, gold, copper)17, have been proposed to improve the antibacterial properties of antimicrobial agents against bacteria tenacity. Nobel silver ...
In early seedlings, Cu lowered root and shoot lengths, however the0.008 mmol L1treatment resulted in stimulatory elongation of the shoots. The aluminium coagulators had a toxic outcome on the plant growth of vegetable seeds at the tested concentrations. Furthermore, excessive copper levels in ...
The effects of tetrathiotungstate on systemic copper metabolism in normal and copper-treated rats Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry 53(3): 205-218 Amarjit; Singh, R. 1984: Ureide biogenesis and the enzymes of ammonia assimilation and ureide biosynthesis in nitrogen fixing pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan)...
Figure 7. Copper Fenton reaction [14]. Heavy metals have been noted to interact with nuclear proteins together with DNA which cause site-specific damage. Two types of damages may be caused, “direct” and “indirect” damage. In the “direct” damage, conformational changes occur to the biomo...
Priority metals, including lead, chromium, arsenic, nickel, copper, cadmium, and mercury, pose enormous risks to public health, ecological safety, and biodiversity. The adverse effects of heavy metals on plant-animal interactions, pollen viability, species fitness, richness, and abundance are poorly...
Veltman JC, Maines MD 1986 The regulatory effect of copper on rat adrenal cytochrome P-450 and steroid metabolism. Biochem Pbarmacol 35:2903- 2909 28, Maines MD, Sluss PM, Iscan M 1990 cjs-platinum-mediated depression of LH receptors and cytochrome P-450scc in rat Leydig cells: a ...