Perhaps the most-effective method of reducing the effects of toxic waste on human health and theenvironmentwould be to eliminate its production. Toxins can be reduced through the substitution of nonpollutingalternatives, such as oxygen for chlorine in the bleaching of wood, or through “green chemi...
Chlorine is generally found only in industrial settings. Chlorine enters the body breathed in with contaminated air or when consumed with contaminated food or water. It does not remain in the body, due to its reactivity. Effects of chlorine on human health depend on how the amount of chlorine...
It is a white crystalline or granular powder of molecular weight 219.9 containing approximately 62% of ‘available chlorine’5. Most conventional systems in developed countries treat water as chlorine dioxide (delivered as a liquid in pressurized systems), but other common alternatives include calcium ...
Choking agents were employed first by the German army and later by the Allied forces in World War I. The first massive use of chemical weapons in that conflict came when the Germans releasedchlorinegas from thousands of cylinders along a 6-km (4-mile) front atYpres, Belgium, on April 22...
Concerns have been raised regarding the potential negative effects on human health of water disinfectants used in swimming-pools. Among the disinfection options, the approaches using chlorine-based products have been typically preferred. Chlorine readily reacts with natural organic matter that are ...
Chemicals are omnipresent today: they enter our bodies through food, air or the skin. But how do these complex mixtures of chemicals affect our health? In a study published in the journal Science, ...
Chloramine is formed when urine, feces, and sweat react with chlorine, causing skin irritation. This can be severe in people with sensitive skin. Scalding andburns Water-related thermal burns are more common than fire-related thermal burns. Keep in mind that the water temperature should never ex...
Previously, we have shown that bathing in deep seawaters containing various minerals improve the atopic dermatitis31,32. In vivo and in vitro studies have established that water-soluble minerals can permeate a human skin33,34. Thus, we examined the bathing effects of JMS on knee OA, and its...
In some cases, it may be necessary to use a dilute solution of chlorine bleach (no stronger than 1 cup of bleach in 1 gallon of water) or stronger commercial cleaners to kill and remove the mold. Be sure to discuss any health problem with a healthcare professional before attempting to re...
chlorine gas and chloride compounds with available chlorine0.0000002–0.000002liberation of cell constituentsin chlorination of water supplies; as food-plant sanitizer; in treating wounds and hospital equipment iodine and iodized compounds2–16precipitation of cell proteinsin ointment and salves as skin ant...