CaroccupantDisabilityInjuryTrafficaccidentNetherlandsThe results of a field experiment into the relations between injuries and disability are presented. In this study the effect of the variables age, sex, injury severity, and injury location on the disability rate was investigated. Injury location appears...
car accidents murder suicide alcohol use drug abuse 1 billion adults currently smoking (942 million men and 175 million women) 721 million adults were smoking in 1980 US$200 billion annual spend on tobacco 6.5 trillion cigarettes sold each year (18 Billion per day) ...
Besides, the rate of accidents is rocketing. Every second, 7 accidents happen inChina. Obviously, cars really have a negative influence on the traffic. In a nutshell, car is a double-edged sword. And with the increasing number of cars, the disadvantages gradually outweigh the advantages. Here...
T, and Gebrewold, A.: Alcohol-induced spasms of cerebral blood vessels: Relation to cerebrovascular accidents and sudden death. Science 220:331–333, 1983a. Google Scholar Altura, B. M., Altura, B. T, and Carella, A.: Ethanol produces coronary vasospasm: Evidence for a direct action ...
Third, as EV policy research has often neglected the effects of concurrent policies, we extend the literature by analyzing the effects of car purchases and driving restrictions on EV policy outcomes. Finally, we investigate the impact mechanisms of the EVDP policy on the environment, focusing on ...
In order to accommodate the needs of mass tourism, development is slowly but steadily pushing its way through the rest of the island, too. Visitors who wish to avoid the crowds need to travel to the north of the island and visit the most remote beaches. Renting a motorbike or a car may...
Commercial products made from inorganics range from car bodies to computer circuit boards. Of the more than forty thousand chemicals in commercial use, most are subject to accidental spills or releases. Chemical spills and accidents range from small to large and can occur anywhere chemicals are ...
Results were due to vehicle size independently of vehicle type, and reflected shifts in response bias rather than sensitivity. Drivers may misjudge the distances of motorcycles due to their relatively small sizes, contributing to accidents due to right-of-way violations. Results have implications for...
Additional accidents are caused because of the panic of people. Owing to the risk of electrical priming caused by smoke, as well as to facilitate aerial firefighting operations, electricity lines are cut off, and in particular extra high aerial lines serving the eastern part of the region (400...
Since car driving is a continuous, independent, and long-term process that consumes a lot of human energy and physical strength, it is necessary that the driver have good physiological functions such as vision and hearing, and fine physical capabilities such as concentration, reaction speed, and ...