Adolescent cannabis use has substantially increased over the past two decades. Teens and young adults are undergoing considerable neurodevelopment, and thus may be particularly susceptible to the negative effects of cannabis. This chapter will cover the potential consequences of cannabis use on the ...
withdrawal symptoms after long-term use cycles of severe nausea and vomiting (cannabis hyperemesis syndrome)There are no known reports of THC overdose leading to death.Marijuana effects on the heartShortly after smoking marijuana the heart rate increases drastically and may remain elevated for up to ...
Cannabis Use Disorder Cocaine Use Disorder Methamphetamine Use Disorder Neonatal Abstinence SyndromeSources National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA). Commonly Abused Drugs Charts. GHB. Miotto, K. Darakjian, J. Basch, J., et al. Gam...
Marijuana is a plant whose scientific name is Cannabis sativa. Its leaves, seeds, stems, and/or roots are consumed by marijuana users for the purpose of feeling intoxicated ("high"). Although the plant contains hundreds of compounds, the one that has major intoxicating effects is called tetrahy...
As far as the effects on your mental state goes‚ the main active ingredient in Marijuana is Tetrahydrocannabinol better known as thc and this disrupts nerve cells in the brain affecting memory. It also releases more dopamine while under the influence of pot‚ dopamine is Premium Cannabis ...
Long-term use of cannabis is associated with a significant increase in the risk of developing gum disease but does not appear to be linked to other adverse health outcomes, new data suggest.
Marijuana is a plant whose scientific name is Cannabis sativa. Its leaves, seeds, stems, and/or roots are consumed by marijuana users for the purpose of feeling intoxicated ("high"). Although the plant contains hundreds of compounds, the one that has major intoxicating effects is called tetrahy...
Like the possible risk of chronic conditions such as schizophrenia, the chances of cannabis use disorder are greater the younger you start marijuana and the more heavily you use it. For instance, the odds of addiction are 1 in 6 if you use marijuana in your teens. It might be as high as...
Like the possible risk of chronic conditions such as schizophrenia, the chances of cannabis use disorder are greater the younger you start marijuana and the more heavily you use it. For instance, the odds of addiction are 1 in 6 if you use marijuana in your teens. It might be as high as...
Cannabis Use Disorder Cocaine Use Disorder Methamphetamine Use Disorder Neonatal Abstinence SyndromeSources NIDA. Can you overdose or die if you use MDMA use (Ecstasy or Molly)? Accessed May 31, 2021 at