ON THE INJURIOUS EFFECTS OF WHITE LEAD AS A PAINT.doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(02)53348-1SDOSThe Lancet
Breathing issues.Regular cannabis use can lead to coughing, wheezing, phlegm, and a higher risk of respiratory infections. This may cause your airways to be more sensitive, which could cause problems when your doctor puts in or takes out your breathing tube. Along with having trouble breathing,...
Breathing issues.Regular cannabis use can lead to coughing, wheezing, phlegm, and a higher risk of respiratory infections. This may cause your airways to be more sensitive, which could cause problems when your doctor puts in or takes out your breathing tube. Along with having trouble breathing,...
There's nothing quite like opening the door and breathing fresh, clean, air—but how clean is the air you're breathing right now? Unless you're a scientist with a chemistry lab at your fingertips, there's no real way of knowing. The gases you're sucking up through your nose could be...
Bentonite clay can help reduce the negative effects of toxins that we encounter every day, such as those given off from paint, cleaning supplies, markers, substances used in building homes, low-quality unpurified water and even pesticides. ...
Airport personnel are at risk of occupational exposure to jet engine emissions, which similarly to diesel exhaust emissions include volatile organic compounds and particulate matter consisting of an inorganic carbon core with associated polycyclic aromat
plane arriving and refueling by were recorded in a jet shelter using stationary and portable devices including in the breathing zone of personnel. Average particle number concentration for a full workflow cycle of 170 min were 1.22 × 106particles/cm3. For take-off and landing of one je...
responses as a result of this exposure. Toxins produced bymoldwill start to accumulate inside the body and trigger inflammatory reactions that cause a wide variety of symptoms from allergies, sinus congestion, and breathing issues to fatigue, brain fog, and mood disorders such as depression and ...
inhalation(breathing) skinabsorption ingestion(eating) Theeffectsofhazardoussubstancesdependon: thechemicalormaterial(what) theconcentration(howmuch) therouteofentry(howtakenintothebody) thedurationofexposure(howlongtheexposurelasts) PersonalFactorsandHygiene Personalfactorscaninfluencetheeffectsofexposuretohazardoussu...
Due to the widespread use and durability of synthetic polymers, plastic debris occurs in the environment worldwide. In the present work, information on sources and fate of microplastic particles in the aquatic and terrestrial environment, and on their up