Blue light is a predominant component of light emitting devices (LEDs), which are increasingly present in our environment. There is already accumulating evidence that blue light exposure causes damage to retinal cells in vitro and in vivo; however, much less is known about potential effects of bl...
On short term, blue light stimulates dopamine production, but long-term light exposure has the opposite effect and leads to symptoms such as anxiety, mood swings, inability to focus, lack of insight or self-awareness, low libido. To be able to prevent the negative effects of blue l...
Blue light radiation exposure is another effect of long usage of digital devices. Excessive blue light exposure can cause sleep cycle disturbance and can have a negative effect on one’s ability to focus. Blue light can also lead to long-term injury to the retina. It’s important that ...
surprisingly little effort has been made to apply the research findings to learning environments. From the educational standpoint, the choice of light to be used has been based mainly on its effects on the cognitive performance of students. The literature suggests that blue-enriched white light ...
The effects of blue and red light on Acetabularia mediterraneaafter long exposure to darkness. Dazy, A -C,S. Puiseux-dao,H. Borghi. Biology of the Cell . 1989The effects of blue and red light on Acetabulariamediterranea after long exposure to darkness. Dazy AC,Puiseux-dao S,Borghi H. ...
One-tail, post hoc paired student’s t-tests showed that melatonin levels were significantly higher at night than during the day for all three lighting conditions (D, R, and B), but at night melatonin levels were significantly lower following the blue light exposure than following both the ...
of pornography. This activated pornographic imagery in the minds of those who choose to view pornography and allowed those who do not choose to view it to avoid unwanted exposure. We then instructed participants that their job was to watch all of a 10-min video. The video was boring, thus...
Evening exposure to short-wavelength light can affect the circadian clock, sleep and alertness. Intrinsically photosensitive retinal ganglion cells expressing melanopsin are thought to be the primary drivers of these effects. Whether colour-sensitive con
3. Phototropism: Light also influences the direction of plant growth. Phototropism is the movement or bending of plant parts towards or away from a light source. This response allows plants to maximize their exposure to light for optimal photosynthesis. 4. Coloration: Light intensity and quality ...
Evening exposure to short-wavelength light can affect the circadian clock, sleep and alertness. Intrinsically photosensitive retinal ganglion cells expressing melanopsin are thought to be the primary drivers of these effects. Whether colour-sensitive con