Black Lives MatterRetail InvestorsESGCorporate Social ResponsibilityRobinhood investorsThis study examines factors that influence corporate social activism (CSA) and the effects of such engagement on retail investor preferences using manually collBrownen㏕rinh, Ruby...
Baumgartner, Frank R., Amanda J. Grigg & Alisa Mastro. 2015. #BlackLivesDon'tMatter: race-of-victim effects in US executions, 1976-2013. Politics, Groups and Identities, Volume 3, Issue 2, April 2015, pages 209-221.Baumgartner, F., A. Grigg & A. Mastro (2015). #B lack lives ...
According to the European Food Safety Authority, an intake of400 milligrams of caffeine(four cups of coffee) throughout the day is considered safe. As a rule of thumb, you can safely consume 5.7 milligrams of caffeine per kilogram of body weight over a 24-hour period. However, these amount...
This seasonality could potentially be attributed to various factors, including notable public events like Black Lives Matter rallies and far-right counter protests (during June and July) (Grierson, 2020), as well as holiday seasons like Christmas and New Year when individuals often opt to stay ...
The quantum-mechanical nuclear-shell structure determines the stability and limits of the existence of the heaviest nuclides with large proton numbers Z ≳ 100 (refs. 1–3). Shell effects also affect the sizes and shapes of atomic nuclei, as show
Director Jean-Marc Vallée adopts a handheld cinéma vérité style that brings rawness and immediacy, taking its heavy subject matter head-on and naturally lets the characters tell the story. Even with the latter introduction of the FDA subplot, the story never becomes a political debate about wh...
PoliticalThis category corresponds to the disclosed political leaning of the user. Along with subcategories for conservative and liberal, we include another category related to activism, which in this case corresponds to phrases related to the Black Lives Matter movement. ...
Similarly, black beauty culture highlights the exclusion of darker complexions in the makeup range and blackness as a fad to be investigated (Childs, Citation2022). On the other hand, the Black-lives–matter movement challenges the notion that a black woman is simply her hair colour, texture,...
Research on the family spillover effects of health shocks, which has focused mainly on labor market outcomes, has yielded inconclusive results, with limite
Investing in infants: the effects of cash transfers to new families. Q. J. Econ. 137, 2539–2583 (2022). Article Google Scholar Duncan, G. J., Morris, P. A. & Rodrigues, C. Does money really matter? Estimating impacts of family income on young children’s achievement with data ...