In countries such as Japan, the population is getting older. Are the effects of an ageing population positive or negative? In many countries such as Japan or Russia, the average age of the population is becoming older. Most people think this has a negative effect on a society, but it can...
Internationally, a country or region is typically classified as an aging society when 10% of its population is aged 60 and over, or 7% is aged 65 and over. The world is facing the complex challenges posed by an aging population. Since 1990, global life expectancy at birth has increased fr...
Ageism: The Cause Of Age Discrimination In Society The phrase "ageism" refers to two notions: a gregariously constructed way of cogitating older persons predicated on negative postures and stereotypes about ageing and a proclivity to structure society predicated on a posit that everyone is puerile,...
Centre for Genomic and Experimental Medicine, Institute of Genetics and Molecular Medicine, Western General Hospital, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK Rosie M. Walker, Riccardo E. Marioni & Kathryn L. Evans Centre for Cognitive Ageing and Cognitive Epidemiology, Department of Psychology, Universi...
to increase the total fertility rate, guide the population flow with new urbanization, promote "excellent leverage" rather than simple "deleverageing", encourage innovation, support "intellectual capital" and more humanitarian care for the elderly to meet the challenges posed by an ageing society.doi...
Research on the family spillover effects of health shocks, which has focused mainly on labor market outcomes, has yielded inconclusive results, with limite
Multimedia is extensively used for educational purposes. However, certain types of multimedia lack proper design, which could impose a cognitive load on the user. Therefore, it is essential to predict cognitive load and understand how it impairs brain fu
Older individuals in the age range of 60 to 90 years were recruited from health care facilities and through advertisements in the general population. The main inclusion criterion was a diagnosis of SCD based on established guidelines.1 Evaluation of study eligibility was performed during study enrollm...
The latest long-term projection of Germany's population implies a clear trend: even though slight growth is expected over the next decade, a decline in the future is almost inevitable. Furthermore, an ageing society combined with a low fertility rate will lead to massive shrinkage of the worki...
As populations age, the risk of chronic conditions generally increases. In Australia for example, there has been an increased incidence of cancer, cardiovascular disease (CVD), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), diabetes and other chronic diseases due to population ageing7. In 2011, chron...