Muscimol is the main compound found in Amanita muscaria. Several studies have proven that muscimol has suppressive effects on essential tremor, without impairing speech and coordination. The effects of muscimol in Parkinson-affected patients is also described in a number of studies. These studies ...
1993. Effects of aluminum on membrane fluidity of the mycorrhizal fungus Amanita musca- ria. Physiol. Plant 89:172-176Z& el J, Svetek J, C& rne H, Schara M (1993b) Effects of aluminum on membrane fluidity of the mycorrhizal fungus Amanita muscaria. Physiol Plant 89: 172 - 176...
In this study we isolated Gram-positive soil bacteria from the rhizosphere of a spruce stand rich with fly agaric ( Amanita muscaria ) fruiting bodies. Using a coculture technique in Petri dishes, bacterial isolates were characterized by their effect on the growth of fungal hyphae. A group of...
In this study we isolated Gram-positive soil bacteria from the rhizosphere of a spruce stand rich with fly agaric ( Amanita muscaria ) fruiting bodies. Using a coculture technique in Petri dishes, bacterial isolates were characterized by their effect on the growth of fungal hyphae. A group of...
AMANITA-MUSCARIACLAVICEPS-PURPUREACONVOLVULACEAEERGOTFLY-AGARICLAGOCHILUS-INEBRIANSMINTMORNING GLORYMUSCIMOLEPEGANUM-HARMALAOn the basis of the familiarity-empathy assumption that self-disclosure evokes empathy for the speaker, it was predicted that a victim's self-disclosure would inhibit aggression against...
The effects of synthetic muscimol and an extract from Amanita muscaria, containing this compound on the activity of human recombinant MAOB enzyme (hMAOB) were studied. Muscimol had statistically significant inducing effect on hMAOB at concentrations 0.25–5 μM, while A...
In recent months, there has been a new trend involving the consumption of Amanita muscaria. The aim of this article was to investigate the reasons for consumption, the form taken and the adverse symptoms that were indicated by those consuming Amanita muscaria. After analysing...
Kong,F.X.Influence of copper,manganese and pH on the growth and several enzyme activities in my corrhizal fungus Amanita muscaria.Chemosphere. 1995Kong F X. Influence of copper,manganese and pH on the growth and several enzyme activities in my corrhizal fungus Amanita muscaria[J].Chemosphere...
Birch ( Betula pubescens) seedlings were grown aseptically on agar slants with variations in available glucose, nitrogen or phosphorus and inoculated with Lactarius pubescens, Tricholoma fulvum and Amanita muscaria (late-stage fungi in mycorrhizal successions) or Laccaria proxima and Hebeloma crustulini...
AMANITA-MUSCARIACLAVICEPS-PURPUREACONVOLVULACEAEERGOTFLY-AGARICLAGOCHILUS-INEBRIANSMINTMORNING GLORYMUSCIMOLEPEGANUM-HARMALAOn the basis of the familiarity-empathy assumption that self-disclosure evokes empathy for the speaker, it was predicted that a victim's self-disclosure would inhibit aggression against...