health effects and presents conclusions from an expert panel.Veterans and Agent Orange provides a historical review of the issue, examines studies of populations, in addition to Vietnam veterans, environmentally and occupationally exposed to herbicides and dioxin, and discusses problems in study ...
While Agent Orange isn't explicitly passed down, it can still affect the health of the children of those exposed to it. Many Vietnam veterans experienced stillbirth or had children with health issues like Spina bifida. What was Agent Orange and what did it do?
AGENT ORANGE EXPOSURE AND DEMENTIA DIAGNOSIS IN VIETNAM VETERANS: A CHRONIC EFFECTS OF NEUROTRAUMA CONSORTIUM STUDY The purpose of this study was to describe the prevalence of hearing loss and tinnitus in a cohort of Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans (IAV) with common post-d... DE Barnes,Y Li,AL...
One-third of veterans returning from the 1990–1991 Gulf War reported a myriad of symptoms including cognitive dysfunction, skin rashes, musculoskeletal discomfort, and fatigue. This symptom cluster is now referred to as Gulf War Illness (GWI). As the un
On balance, the most serious cases tend to be associated with deliberate poisoning with TCDD, as a consequence of industrial accidents, or due to occupational exposures. The serum data for Vietnam veterans suggest that they were not exposed to Agent Orange and TCDD at the elevated levels ...
One of these additional studies was conducted in patients similar to those recruited for Studies PSTD-1 and PSTD-2, while the second additional study was conducted in predominantly male veterans. As PTSD is a more common disorder in women than men, the majority (76%) of patients in Studies ...
The application of 72 million litres of chemical spray resulted in the death of many animals, and caused health effects with humans. One chemical that was applied between 1962 and 1971, calledAgent Orange, was particularly harmful. Its main constituent is dioxin, which was present in soil, wate...
The liver, the largest internal organ in the body, is situated in the abdominal cavity on the right side, beneath the diaphragm. The liver has a unique blood supply that empowers it to perform a number of vital functions. These tasks include the following: firstly, toxins’ elimination; sec...
Despite recent advances in the treatment of medulloblastoma, patients in high-risk categories still face very poor outcomes. Evidence indicates that a subpopulation of cancer stem cells contributes to therapy resistance and tumour relapse in these patien
One of these additional studies was conducted in patients similar to those recruited for Studies PSTD-1 and PSTD-2, while the second additional study was conducted in predominantly male veterans. As PTSD is a more common disorder in women than men, the majority (76%) of patients in Studies ...