positive behavior interventions and supports (PBIS)tier 2under‐resourced urban schoolsThis paper describes implementation (fidelity, perceived acceptability) and tier 1 and Tier 2 outcomes of school﹚ide positive behavior interventions and supports approach including mental health supports at Tier 2 in ...
(school-wide) Positive Behavioral Intervention and Support (PBIS) initiative in Illinois, including (1) strategies for establishing research-based practices and data-based evaluation systems in implementation schools; (2) methodology and initial findings of the effect of school-wide systems in 14......
Autism affects 1 in 36 youth in the USA and is the fastest growing segment of the school population [1,2]. Schools are under increasing pressure to provide evidence-based practices (EBPs; i.e., services that have been proven efficacious in research trials), to meet the diverse needs of ...
studies of FRIENDS have reported reductions in anxiety, while PBIS has shown improved reading scores and fewer school suspensions. Other programs have shown benefits such as reducing bullying at school; oneinterventionhas even been
School personnel were concerned that the disruptive student behaviors at an urban, elementary school in the northeast United States had persisted despite positive behavioral interventions and supports (PBIS) implementation and professional development (PD) for more than 7 years. The purpose of this ...
management, positive behavior interventions and supports, and teacher well-being.Stefanie LaPollaStefanie LaPolla is the behavior support coordinator for Loudoun County Public Schools in Northern Virginia and oversees the implementation of Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) for the ...