effectiveness for a given period of time 将“effective tax rate"翻译成中文 有效税率是将“effective tax rate"翻译成 中文。 译文示例:The withholding tax, because it is a gross basis tax, has a high effective tax rate. ↔ 由于预扣税是一种按总基数计算的税种,因此有效税率很高。 effective...
This is a great graph that we should understand. The left side percentages (in red) and the red line are the effective tax rate. The effective tax rate is the average tax paid on your total income. That is, you take your taxes over your total income, and the percentage you pay to t...
effectiveness for a given period of time effectiveness in programme evaluation 将“effective tax rates"翻译成中文 实际税率, 有效税率是“effective tax rates"到 中文 的最佳翻译。 译文示例:The withholding tax, because it is a gross basis tax, has a high effective tax rate. ↔ 由于预扣税是...