Emphasis was placed on the strategies that the greatest number of teachers from both school districts identified as effective. These teaching strategies seek to help ELL students make connections between content and language, and support their communication and social interactions....
This thesis explores effective coaching strategies that support the classroom teacher in implementing research-based instructional strategies designed to assist English language learners (ELLs) in language acquisition and content learning. Through individual interviews, ELL instructional coaches assisted in the...
Effective communication strategies play a pivotal role in the success of interpretation, especially for English language learners. These strategies enable interpreters to bridge the language barrier, ensuring accurate and meaningful communication between individuals who speak different languages. Here are some ...
Here we propose COMEBin, a contig binning method based on contrastive multi-view representation learning. The key contributions of COMEBin can be summarized as follows: 1) We introduce a data augmentation approach that generates multiple views for each contig, enabling contrastive learning and yieldin...
Many different strategies could be designed for selecting, at each iteration \(\ell\), the variables constituting the working set \(B_\ell\), within the BCD framework. In this work, we propose a rule based on the violation of CW-optimality. Given the current iterate \(x^\ell\), we ...
Digital Learning NOW Extend your professional development and meet your students where they are with free weekly Digital Learning NOW webinars. Attend live, watch on-demand, or listen at your leisure to expand your teaching strategies. Earn digital professional development badges for attending a live...
Re:LearningNewMexico EffectiveSheltered Instruction KWLQ Wherearewegoing? EssentialQuestion: “WhatproveneffectiveteachingstrategiesshouldteachersusetoconnectlanguageandcontentforthesuccessofALLstudents?” ContentObjective ParticipantswillbeabletoexplainbasicdefinitionsfortheeightEffectiveShelteredInstructionalComponentsforALL...
strategies to achieve the maximum return from management investment, we still lack adequate knowledge to generalize optimal strategies in the field since little empirical work has been done to validate existing conclusions from the modeling approaches. To address critical gaps between invasive plant ...
During the dynamic Speed Coaching event, food and beverage business owners – including craft brewers – will be counseled by a variety of business experts to generate new ideas and strategies that will help their businesses grow and succeed. Each entrepreneur can participate in up to six 20-min...
“L et L ist ening Teachers of E nglish See Tr ees and S ee the Fo rest as w ell”. and practice with different kinds of accents an d colloquial vocabulary;(4) inability to link words to th e context, an d unskillful in us ing strategies to summarize heard information at th e...