' Effective Governance in State Secondary Schools: Model Guidelines. Unpublished PhD thesis, Northumbria University, UK.Spedding G. 2006. No qualifications are necessary: Effective governance in state secondary schools: model guidelines [Doctoral thesis]. Newcastle: Northumbria University....
Governors for Schools – recruiting for the governance sector 25th July 2024 Looking forward: How you can support the future of education governance 5th July 2024 Hear from users of our services Excellent support, not just in finding a volunteer but throughout the onboarding process. Thank you....
The issue of effective school governance ensuring quality in education in South Africa is often raised in the literature. Some authors are of the view that the current form of school governance is sophisticated and complex. A question that arises is whether school governing board members have the...
❞ JamesD.Wolfensohn,President,theWorldBank ❝Wearecommittedtothecentralityofeducationinthedevelopmentprocess.But wecannotlookateducationinisolation.Itneedstobelookedatwithinthe frameworkofacomprehensiveapproach.Youneedtohaveequityandjustice.You needtohavegovernance.Youneedtohavehealthcare,andwehaveprograms–...
“I have confronted a troubling reality: many opportunities for community voice in governance has limited impact on the decisions that boards make.” LtC: Educational Change expects those engaged in and with schools, schooling, and school systems to spearhead deep and often difficult transformation. ...
'New managerialism' in the public sector is a term referring to "ideologies" and the "actual use"(4) of private sector practice, technology and values. However, values of internationalism and the ideals of international co-operation, aim for a world order of peace and social justice....
and management/governance. For example, the school administrator on the team must represent the team at adminis- trative meetings; there should be a representative of the CSSS cadre at parent/teacher conferences and governance meetings; another should represent the team at Quality Assurance meetings ...
informing primary education decision-making through studies on languages of instruction, in Chad and Niger; case studies on local governance in Pakistan and the United Republic of Tanzania; studies on the performance of Grade 3 in Bangladesh, Cuba and the United Republic of Tanzania; and initiating...
For this study, we group the support factors (enabling conditions) into three broad categories of variables, the constituents of which are described in this section: a. Institutional infrastructure support: e.g., legal environment, effective governance, high quality regulation, financial market ...
learning, rather than teaching, and to integrate the culture of learning-centredschools into a broader system of education, in which the concept of learning isintertwined with ideas about the role of the teacher and the overall function andpurpose of school. A model for organising learning and ...