was grounded in the standards laid down by the Supreme Court in a series of precedents where the court discussed the meaning of “special reasons” and criticised the general leniency shown by magistrates towards white collar crime. (p. 102-103) In all the judgments we came across in our re...
in order for effective change in policy or practice to take place. They are also more able to understand and appreciate the different perspectives, backgrounds and various “sense-making” capabilities of other individuals, which generally leads to better communication – or even the reshaping of ...
10.WaitandWatchforNon-VerbalCommunication Theabovesuggestionsareworthfollowing.Weneedtoacttheseoutintheclassroomthrough practice.Suchpracticeswillenableourstudentstocarrytheskilloflisteningintotheirwork placeinfuture. TypesofListening Dr.JohnA.Klinesuggeststhefollowingtypesoflistening ...