虽然各种意义上派系大改和结局修改都不在目前的测试版本,相应的我估计整个0.21估计也不是(倒是在faction-test的版本,有能力的吧友可以上discord看看)但还是有点新东西: 1、毒药大改(Poison overhaul) 2、打药和毒都将有短暂的冷却(我个人测试感觉在0.7-0.8s的样子) 3、技能获取修改。 本贴英文内容搬运自游戏...
The spread is useful to outspeed any non invested Pokemon at 60 of base speed. Thanks to its ability and its decent bulk, this Pokemon get a great MU against stalls, slow offensive mons and a lot of cool stuff. This set is definitely nice and can be pretty effective right now as ...