Electric/Fairy is a kinda godly typing in PU and gives Dedenne has a great matchup against a tonne of prominent threats - Eel, Gurdurr, Hitmon, Primeape, Dod and Oricorio. Sounds great! But what stops this being legit good is that you need to eat your berry before you can effectively ...
我想把Digital Game-Based Learning这本书读完,但是英语能力有限,如果大伙有能力读懂又想帮忙翻译的,可以将 分享1赞 宇宙林吧 秒杀三观 【20140901】【翻译】林书豪交易到洛杉矶湖人是重塑他自己品牌的一 分享73赞 上古卷轴吧 Lilveres 【数据研究】Silver Weapons对Undead伤害计算为对Especially effective against undead...