healthpoor treatmentWaste waterIn eastern Mediterranean countries including Palestine, the demand on water is growing rapidly due to rapid population growth, urbanization and socioeconomic development. Both the West Bank and Gaza Strip are facing a series of waste water and sanitation-related problems,...
Different people have different sensitivities to the same noise and are affected differently. The detrimental effects on people may be classified as pathological, physiological and psychological (Ghose, 1995); the details are indicated in Table 13.1. Table 13.1. Health Hazards Due to Noise ...
Although the past few years have witnessed the achievements of studies on environmental behavior of HMs, the related toxicity mechanisms, and pollution control, their relationship remains a mystery. Researchers generally focused on one topic independently without comprehensive considerations due to the ...
Farmers’ participation in pesticide packaging waste (PPW) governance is important for improving agricultural pollution and achieving sustainable agricultural development. By incorporating the theory of planned behavior, value-belief-norm theory, cognition and behavior theory etc., we construct a theoretical...
Biomass as an energy source for three-stone cookfires is commonly used for cooking and heating rural and isolated households in developing countries; there
The present work was directed to detect the residues of heavy metals in some water canals in which the sewage waste water was discharged in some villages of Assiut Governorate. In addition this research was planned to study the effect the use of such water on the health performance and blood...
The rapid increase in the number of electronic products worldwide, in terms of both variety and advanced technology, together with the decrease in costs, has led to the generation of a large amount of electronic waste (e-waste), which has significantly increased environmental pollution. This stud...
Table 1.Study on release behavior of additives during microplastics ageing | Show Table DownLoad:CSV 综上,紫外光、氧环境、温度等可通过加速微塑料老化,促进内源污染物的释放[80]。目前已经开展的关于微塑料内源污染物的浸出研究,大多局限于海洋环境,很难见到微塑料内源物质在陆地生态系统中的释放研究。最新(...
It was reported that 50 to 70 percent of the U.S. population is annoyed by noise on a daily basis (EPA, 1971); the resulting social and psychological stresses are of major concern to scientists and planners. The implicated health-related effects due to noise include: • Permanent or ...
Kumarkhali upazila in Kushtia district of western Bangladesh has become especially vulnerable to dye-effluent pollution over the last two decades. Twenty dyeing effluent samples were obtained at random from various dyeing units and used to determine the heavy metal concentration. The effluent pH, elec...