Effect of light on unmasked circadian rhythms in winter depression. In : Wetterberg L. ed. Light mid Biological Rlrythriis iri Man. London: Pergamon Press 1 9 9 3: 385-93.Wirz-Justice, A., Graw, P., Kräuchi, K., Haug, H-J., Leonardt, G., and Brunner, D.P., 1993, ...
When blue light was added after red light preirradiation of several days phase shifts were observed which were expressed as advances as well as delays. The period of the rhythm proved to be strongly dependent on the intensity of the continuous blue light which was given in addition to red ...
Lopes PF, Santa-Maria UF, Colepicolo P (2002) Effect of light quality on the circadian expression of nitrate reductase in the red macroalga Gracilaria tenuistipitata . Biol Rhythm Res 33:391–400Lopes,PF,Santa-Maria,UF,Colepicolo,P.Effect of light quality on the circadian expression of ...
The circadian chloroplast migration in Acetabularia mediterranea was monitored by continuously measuring the transmission of the cells near the apex. Under continuous red light the amplitude of the rhythm decreased rapidly within a few days. However, circadian changes of chloroplast density were still de...
EFFECT OF LIGHT ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE CIRCADIAN RHYTHM OF MOTOR ACTIVITY IN THE MOUSE In previous experiments, we found that rats raised in constant light (LL) manifested a more robust circadian rhythm of motor activity in LL and showed long... MM Canal-Corretger,J Vilaplana,T Cambras,...
PREVIOUS work on the circadian rhythm of flight activity in the mosquito Anopheles (Cellia) gambiae Giles has shown that light can affect flight activity either directly or by changing the phase of the circadian rhythm 1 . Neither of these effects seems to account for the fact that, after a ...
In the initial evaluation, the temperature rhythm phase positions of these insomniacs did appear to be earlier than normal. The subjects were then exposed to bright light stimulation (2,500 lux) from 2000 to 2400 hours on two consecutive evenings. Following the evening bright light treatment, ...
Light therapy can realign circadian rhythm disturbances and emotional and behavioral diseases. In addition, light therapy is a non-pharmacologic therapy. In this study, we investigated the inhibitory effects of regular light therapy on delirium in patients with dementia. To the best of our knowledge...
The circadian clock, also known as the circadian rhythm, is responsible for predicting daily and seasonal changes in the environment, and adjusting various physiological and developmental processes to the appropriate times during plant growth and develop
Restoration of normal light/dark cycles exacerbated the disorder of lipid metabolism, liver steatosis, and the expression of BMAL1 in mice and significantly reduced the diversity of gut microbiota. Conclusions: Circadian rhythm changes aggravate the development of NAFLD induced by a high-fat diet by...