These electromagnetic devices have various uses in domestic, industries and medicine. Induction heating is used in industries, MRI and CT SCAN are used to find out the abnormal conditions in human body and hyperthermia technique is used to treat cancer and tumours. In spite of all uses the ...
The body produces its ownmagnetic field via oxidation. The human body with electromagnetic field. Thebrain is positive. But the brain is negative to the surrounding. When the bodysuffered injuries of different types, the injured parts of the electric fieldand magnetic field constant for positive po...
The ultraweak photon emission value of wheat seed which is treated by fixed time in the electric field has been measured.The test results indicated that the ultraweak photon emission values of wheat seed are different from the treatment strength of the electric field.关键词: Electric field wheat... OPEN received: 17 March 2015 accepted: 24 August 2015 Published: 18 September 2015 Effect of exposure to extremely low frequency magnetic fields on melatonin levels in calves is seasonally dependent Tereza Kolbabová1, E. Pascal Malkemper1,2, Luděk Bartoš...
摘要: The harmful effects on human health by high-frequency electromagetism field, mercury vapour, oil smoke, arc light and thermal radiation produced from highfrequency thermal treatment, were discussed. And its protection measures were proposed....
2.This paper introduced the magnitude of the EMF in the neighborhood of extra - high - tension equipments and transmission lines and then, the tests and investigations about thephysiological effecton human body by the alternating electromagnetic field (EMF).介绍高压输电线路及电气设备附近电磁场量值...
14.On Interaction Energy and Mutual Force of Magnetic Dipole and Magnetic Field;磁偶极子与磁场的相互作用能与相互作用力 15.This is because the earth is a huge magnetic field while human body is a small one, and the large one influences the small one at all times.这是因为地球是一个大磁场,...
Effects of magnetic field exposure on open field behaviour and nociceptive responses in mice Behavioural Brain Research, 144 (2003), pp. 1-9 Google Scholar 4 DL Hamblin, AW Wood, RJ Croft, et al. Examining the effects of electromagnetic fields emitted by GSM mobile phones on human event-rela...
Progress in the Study of Neurobiological Effect on Electromagnetic Field and Its Mechanism With the rapid development of modern science and technology and the boost of information-based measure,people get more and more opportunities to access to ... JF Sui,ZL Fan - 《Journal of Environmental & ...
The question of health effects of extremely low frequency (50/60 Hz) magnetic fields (ELFMF) has been widely discussed, but the mechanisms of interaction of these fields with biological systems for intensities relevant to human and animal exposure are