“Effect”通常是一个名词,而“affect”通常是个动词。Now I say usually because there are times when 'affect' is a noun and 'effect' is a verb but most of the time, you'll see 'effect' as a noun and 'affect' as a verb.See how confusing these two little words are for us?我说的...
Take these sentences, for example, that use the two words "affect" and "effect:"以使用“affect...
Affect is chiefly used as a verb and its main meaning is ‘to influence or make a difference to’, as in the following example sentences: Affect一般用作动词,其含义为:影响/改变,如下面例句所示: The pay increase will greatly affect their lifestyle. 薪水增长会对他们的生活方式带来很大的影响。
You will most likely useaffectas a verb, or an action word, andeffectas a noun, or an object word. Let’s look at a few example sentences. What was the ___ of the vaccine on the virus? The article “the” gives us a clue that we need a noun. The correct word iseffect. The ...
Affect and effect are different in meaning, though frequently confused. Affect is chiefly used as a verb and its main meaning is ‘to influence or make a difference to’, as in the following example sentences: Affect一般用作动词,其含义为:影响/改变,如下面例句所示: The pay increase will great...
Take these sentences, for example, that use the two words "affect" and "effect:以使用“affect”和“effect”这两个词的句子为例: • When a cold weather system and a warm weather system collide, the effect may be high winds that have a devastating effect on your property.当寒冷天气系统和...
15 【English With Lucy】25个英语日常口语短句 25 Smart Sentences for Daily Use 15:42 【Ellii】发音课|/ɑ/ 发音的单词|part 2 02:19 【Ellii】发音课|/ɑ/ 发音的单词|part 1 01:55 【英语发音课】澄清事实或者重复你想表达的内容时的语音语调 intonation|3个声调:rise/fall/partial fall 04:05 ...
“affect”和“effect”的基本区别非常简单。一个词有影响,而另一个词有结果。“Affect”是动词,意思是“影响、改变或影响”。Effect是一个名词,意思是“结果或结果”。 Take these sentences, for example, that use the two words "affect" and "effect:" ...
A =Affectis a V = Verb E =Effectis a N = Noun How to useaffectandeffectin a sentence Perhaps the best way to remember the difference betweenaffectandeffectis to see how they’re commonly used in sentences. Here are several example sentences withaffectandeffectas well as their related for...
Affect and effect are different in meaning, though frequentlyconfused. Affect is chiefly used as a verb and its main meaning is ‘to influence or make a difference to’, as in the following example sentences: Affect一般用作动词,其含义为:影响/改变,如下面例句所示: ...