Teixeira MZ. Efeito rebote dos farmacos modernos: evento adverso grave desconhecido pelos profissionais da saude. Rev Assoc Med Bras. 2013;59(6):629-38. http://dx.doi. org/10.1016/j.ramb.2013.05.003.Teixeira MZ. Efeito rebote dos farmacos modernos: evento adverso grave desconhecido pelos ...
Among these, the rebound effect represents a common side effect to numerous classes of modern drugs, may cause serious and fatal disorders in patients. This review aims to clarify the health professionals on clinical and epidemiological aspects of rebound phenomenon. A qualitative, exploratory and ...
EFEITO DO EVENTO CLIMTICO ADVERSO DA ESTIAGEM NAS CARACTERSTICAS COERCITIVAS E HABILITANTES DO ORAMENTOdoi:10.22277/rgo.v15i2.6441BUDGETORGANIZATIONAL learningACQUISITION of dataDATA analysisOPERATIONAL definitionsPurpose: This study sought to understand the effect of the adverse climati...