Motivaciones y efectos sociales de la Economía Colaborativa: el sector del transporte en Espaa como estudio de casodoi:10.5209/REVE.79938SHARING economyFREE tradeCONSUMER profilingCONSUMERSTRANSPORTATION industryDuring the last years, bussines models that have risen up under the shelter of pa...
participationcomputer mediated communicationthe growing interest on the open and distance education mediated by new technologies is one of the most remarkable phenomenon in educational field. although the gain as regards accessibility of the actors is undeniable when they are free of time and space ...
EFECTOS SOCIALES DEL TERREMOTO EN CHILE Y GESTIN POLTICA DE LA RECONSTRUCCIN DURANTE EL GOBIERNO DE SEBASTIN PIERA (2010-2011)political managementearthquake ChileSebastián Piñera governmentpublic/private interestThis paper analyzes some social effects of 27-F, as well as management strategies ...
del Castillo, Adriana DíazMurillo, Sandra TovarFidalgo, Hernando SalcedoElsevier EspañaRevista Colombiana De CancerologíaWiesner C, Acosta J, Diaz A, et al. (2009) Efectos psicologicos y sociales que genera la prueba del virus del papiloma humano: un estudio exploratorio. Revista Colombiana...
The conclusions propose some possible didactic models for the teaching of conflict, which articulate historical memory, knowledge of the environment, context issues and a contribution to the development of creative critical thinking.Becerra, Isabel JiménezFuturo del Pasado: Revista Electrónica...
Los cambios sociales a causa del Internet y sus efectos sobre la educaciónKeywords: Education, parity or number of children, contraceptive methods and ideal number of children A higher degree of education in women diminishes the number of children. Aim:To analyse the ways formal education...
La pandemia del covid-19 y sus efectos en el ámbito religioso: Las parroquias católicas y el uso de redes sociales. El caso de Santander, Colombiadoi:10.21500/16578031.6173SANTANDER (Colombia : Dept.)SANTANDER (Spain)COLOMBIAVIRTUAL communities...