using(varcontext =newYourContext()) {varcustomers =context.Company .Include(c=>c.Clients) .ToList(); } 但是如果您想要公司和客户经理以及顾客,因为顾客没有直接和公司关联,所以不能使用include直接关联到,这时候您可以使用“ThenInclude”,这样你拿到的就是company的name和Manager的name还有Client的ClientMessag...
Include 和ThenInclude 方法用于在查询时加载关联的实体,以避免懒加载带来的性能问题。 相关优势 延迟加载:默认情况下,EF Core 支持延迟加载,即在访问关联实体时才从数据库加载数据。 预加载:通过 Include 和ThenInclude 方法,可以在查询时预加载关联实体,减少数据库查询次数,提高性能。 导航属性:EF Core 支持导航...
var result = dbContext.ParentEntities .Include(p => p.ChildEntities) .ToList(); 上述代码中,通过Include方法将ParentEntities表中的Parent实体与ChildEntities表中的Child实体关联起来,并一次性获取了Parent实体及其关联的Child实体的数据。 EF ThenInclude方法是Include方法的扩展,用于在查询时包含多层级的导航属性...
{stringconnString =@"server=.;database=OA;trusted_connection=true;MultipleActiveResultSets=true;";//数据库连接字符串optionsBuilder.UseSqlServer(connString); }//数据播种,默认添加默认数据protectedoverridevoidOnModelCreating(ModelBuilder modelBuilder) { modelBuilder.Entity<userinfo>().HasData(newList<useri...
In EF core 3.1 I am able to include a collection of object using include statement. After that then include is not working in EF core 6 eg public class Parent { public int Id { get; set; } public string Name { get; set; } public…
You may want to include multiple related entities for one of the entities that is being included. For example, when queryingBlogs, you includePostsand then want to include both theAuthorandTagsof thePosts. To include both, you need to specify each include path starting at the root. For exam...
您可以使用 Include 和ThenInclude 方法,在 Entity Framework Core 中指定積極式載入。 您可以在個別查詢中擷取一些資料,而 EF 會「修正」導覽屬性。 也就是說,EF 會自動新增個別擷取的實體,其中它們屬於先前擷取之實體的導覽屬性。 對於擷取相關資料的查詢,您可以使用 Load 方法,而不是傳回清單或物件的方法,例如...
entityConnectionStr = @"metadata=res://*/Northwind.csdl|res://*/Northwind.ssdl|res://*/Northwind.msl;provider=System.Data.SqlClient;provider connection string='data source=.;initial catalog=Northwind;integrated security=True;multipleactiveresultsets=True;App=EntityFramework'";...
I added this warning:RelationalEventId.MultipleCollectionIncludeWarning,in my database context configuration to found where there are performance problems. After several tests I have identified that.ThenIncludeis the one that triggers the alert, I am using EF Core 5.0.2 ...
Ainoraz.EFCore.IncludeBuilder Extension for EF Core that provides alternativeIncludesyntax in order to better support the following scenarios: Loading multiple entities on the same level (siblings). Writing extension methods that are independent of nesting level. ...