b => b.Name, valueExpression: b => b.Name + " (Noted)"))' could not be translated. Additional information: Multiple 'SetProperty' invocations refer to different tables ('b => b.Note' and 'b => b.Name'). A single 'ExecuteUpdate' call can only update the columns of a single tabl...
Indexes over multiple columns, also known ascomposite indexes, speed up queries which filter on index's columns, but also queries which only filter on thefirstcolumns covered by the index. See theperformance docsfor more information. Index uniqueness ...
EF has always, by default, mapped enums to a numeric column in relational databases. Since EF supports queries where values from JSON interact with values from columns and parameters, it is important that the values in JSON match the values in the non-JSON column. ...
When setting multiple props in UpdateByProps then match done by columns combined, like unique constrains based on those cols. Using UpdateByProperties while also having Identity column requires that Id property be Excluded. Also, with PostgreSQL when matching is done it requires UniqueIndex so for ...
Notice how the EF.Property method can be used to access values from the period columns. This is used in the OrderBy clause to sort the data, and then in a projection to include these values in the returned data.This query brings back the following data:...
The resulting migration file contains all of the usual CreateTable and other relevant logic, followed by code to insert the new data, specifying the table name, columns and values: C# Copiar migrationBuilder.InsertData( table: "Magazines", columns: new[] { "MagazineId", "Name", "Publisher...
Queryable primitive collection columns I could stop here, and we’d already have a nice feature, resolving a long-standing performance issue. But let’s go further! The solution to Contains above supports representing a primitive collection as a JSON array, and then using that collection like an...
Notice that all three Line1 columns have changed, since they are all sharing the same instance. This is usually not what we want. TIP If order addresses should change automatically when the customer address changes, then consider mapping the address as an entity type. Order and Customer can ...
@smitpatel The duplicates are being resolved into a single instance but are still returned multiple times in the result: Member smitpatel commented Jul 24, 2020 That is not the issue. We do that already based on tracking settings. The issue is the SQL contains multiple columns with same na...
".if(matches.Count() >1) {thrownewInvalidOperationException("Multiple properties match the key convention"); }returnmatches; } } 然后,我们需要在现有密钥约定之前添加新约定。 添加 CustomKeyDiscoveryConvention 后,可以删除 IdKeyDiscoveryConvention。 如果不删除现有的 IdKeyDiscoveryConvention,则此约定仍将...