Removing.OnDelete(DeleteBehavior.Cascade)from either of the Configurations does not affect this behavior; removing it from both of the Configurations makes it behave as expected (but I need the Cascade). Edit: Nullable Reference Types are set to Disable for the project, according to documentation,...
Console.WriteLine(property.IsShadowProperty());//true,"OrderId" 是 Shadow PropertyConsole.WriteLine(property.IsKey());//true,"OrderId" 是 Primary KeyConsole.WriteLine(property.IsForeignKey());//true,"OrderId" 是 Foreign KeyvarorderEntityType = db.Model.FindEntityType(typeof(Order))!; Console...
-- Executed DbCommand (0ms) [Parameters=[@p1='1' (DbType = String), @p0=NULL], CommandType='Text', CommandTimeout='30']UPDATE"Assets"SET"BlogId"= @p0WHERE"Id"= @p1;SELECTchanges();-- Executed DbCommand (0ms) [Parameters=[@p2=NULL, @p3='1' (Nullable = true) (DbType = ...
File a bug I am using EF Core with PostgreSQL using Npgsql and I have set the Foreign Key of the dependent entity (Chapter, see below) as nullable int. I was expecting when I delete the principle entity (in this case Book) CASCADE NULL w...
nullable: true, oldClrType: typeof(string), oldType: "longtext CHARACTER SET utf8mb4", oldNullable: true); migrationBuilder.CreateIndex( name: "IX_ProjectGroups_ProjectId", table: "ProjectGroups", column: "ProjectId"); migrationBuilder.AddForeignKey( ...
For required relationships (non-nullable foreign key) it is not possible to save a null foreign key value, which results in the following effects: In the tables above,Nonecan result in a constraint violation. For example, if a principal/child entity is deleted but no action is taken to cha...
(Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Database.Command) Executed DbCommand (2ms) [Parameters=[@p0='{"Phone":"01632 88346","Address":{"City":"Trimbridge","Country":"UK","Postcode":"TB1 5ZS","Street":"2 Riverside"}}' (Nullable = false) (Size = 114), @p1='2'], CommandType='Text', ...
migrationBuilder.AddColumn<int>( name: "DepartmentID", table: "Course", nullable: false, defaultValue: 1); 在生產環境的應用程式中,您會撰寫程式碼或指令碼以新增 Department 資料列,並使 Course 資料列與新的 Department 資料列產生關聯。 屆時您便不再需要為 Course.DepartmentID 資料行設定 "Temp" 部...
(nullable:false, maxLength:128, defaultValue:"Instructor")); AlterColumn("dbo.Person","HireDate", c => c.DateTime()); AddColumn("dbo.Person","OldId", c => c.Int(nullable:true));// Copy existing Student data into ne...