EFCore 2.1 Group By for Views 、、、 如果我要编写一个简单的SQL查询来计数和求和,我可以这样做:SELECTCOUNT(*), SUM(ISNULL(ValueA, ValueB)) FROM MyCustomView 可以在EFCore我发现答案提到了GroupBy1的用户(然而这似乎不适用于视图)。context .Query<MyCustomView>() .GroupBy(p => 1) .Sel...
ef/efcore: 以datatype字段分组后按count倒序: var list=db.table1.GroupBy(x => x.DataType).Select(group=>new { group.Key,Count=group.Count()}).OrderByDescending(x=>x.Count).ToList(); sqlsugar: sqlsugar groupBy的返回值不是 IQueryable<IGrouping<key,model>>所以写法不同: client.Queryable(...
group l bynew { l.Name, l.BatNum } into g selectnew { Name = g.Key.Name, Count = g.Sum(a => a.Count), BatNum = g.Key.BatNum }; var query = from l in list group l by new { l.Name, l.BatNum } into g select new { Name = g.Key.Name, Count = g.Sum(a => a...
LINQ 提供了一套丰富的查询操作符,其中GroupBy操作符用于实现分组功能。GroupBy操作符接受一个或多个键选择器函数,用于指定分组的依据,然后可以对每个分组执行聚合操作,如求和(Sum)、计数(Count)、平均(Average)等。 二、示例代码 假设我们有一个名为Products的数据库表,包含ProductId(主键)、ProductName、Category和Pr...
group by 表示根据某种规则对数据进行分组,他必须配合聚合函数进行使用,对数据进行分组后可以进行 count...
GROUP BY[t].[MemberCode] ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC OFFSET 0 ROWS FETCH NEXT @__p_1 ROWS ONLY 在官方文档中也可以找到对应的示例【复杂查询】 可以变换成如下方案: var groupList_two = from p in dbConContext.TMemberWelcomeLog where p.Status == 0 && ...
GROUP BY [Extent1].[Id], [Extent1].[CreateTime], [Extent1].[Name], [Extent1].[Remark] ) AS [GroupBy1] 问题处在Count(1)这个地方,如果修改linq才可以改成count(b.id) 问题补充: 如果在count中添加判断非空的情况会出现嵌套好多层并且distinct都有 simba_shi | 初学一级 | 园豆:141 提问...
users.GroupBy(u => u.SchoolId).Select(u => new { count = u.Count(), item = u.FirstOrDefault() }).ToList();Join(Inner Join)users.Join(schools, u => u.SchoolId, t => t.Id, (u, t) =>new Student{ Name = u.Name, School = t.Name}).ToList();GroupJoin(Left J...
SELECT [blog].[Url] AS [Key], COUNT(*) AS [Count] FROM [Blog] AS [blog] GROUP BY [blog].[Url] 1. 2. 3. SQL Server Profiler: 分组的聚合运算符出现在Where或OrderBy(或其他排序方式)LINQ运算符中。它在SQL中将Having子句用于Where子句。
This example is copied from the link where I simply write the group count to the console. Copy public void GroupBySingleProperty() { Console.WriteLine("Group by a single property in an object:"); // Variable queryLastNames is an IEnumerable<IGrouping<string, // DataClass.Student>>. va...