EF is an international education company offering study abroad, language learning, cultural exchange and academic programs around the world. Since 1965, EF has been opening the world through education. EF stands for Education First.
Choose your Location to access your local EF Education First website.
在线学习和真人授课的结合对提升英语能力和口语表达至关重要,因此我们打造了这一系统性的学习模式。 在EF,您既可以享受在线学习的灵活和便利,随时随地打开移动设备开始学习,也可以在我们精心打造的纯正英语环境中,与专业培训师面对面学习交流,获得纠正和反馈。
EF is an international education company offering study abroad, language learning, cultural exchange and academic programs around the world. Since 1965, EF has been opening the world through education. EF stands for Education First.
Founded in 1965, Education First (EF) offers study abroad, language learning, cultural exchange and academic degree programs around the world. Whether you take a language course for a summer, spend a gap year studying abroad, enroll in one of our interna
更有附加好礼,为你免费提供英语能力评估 扫码咨询 我已阅读并同意 EF 的隐私政策。 我已理解并同意 EF 将根据其隐私政策与境内外的关联方和/或第三方共享我提交的个人信息。 立即行动 大家都在学 海量优质英语课程,解决你的英语学习烦恼 免费预约试听
Choose your Location to access your local EF Education First website.
更有附加好礼,为你免费提供英语能力评估 扫码咨询 我已阅读并同意 EF 的隐私政策。 我已理解并同意 EF 将根据其隐私政策与境内外的关联方和/或第三方共享我提交的个人信息。 立即行动 大家都在学 海量优质英语课程,解决你的英语学习烦恼 免费预约试听
Choose your Location to access your local EF Education First website.