5 您只需在具体化之前将 .Where() 调用添加到查询末尾即可: query = _context.Logs.Select(s=>new..);if(EventCategory !=null) query = query.Where(e=>e.EventCategory == EventCategory);if(LogLevel !=null) query = query.Where(e=>e.LogLevel == LogLevel);varitems = query.ToList();...
我已经解决了这个问题,在域层使用EFCore接口设置了我自己的接口(基本上复制和粘贴了ToListAsync和F 浏览3提问于2020-05-18得票数 3 1回答 EfCore 3.1.3抛出OrderBy 、、 我正在尝试使用下面的efcore查询按查询进行排序 EfCore查询 **//LinkKit Extension Method** .Where(whereClause)Linq query.** .OrderB...
在EF 6或EF Core中,可以使用Lambda表达式或LINQ查询来构建动态Where子句。这些版本提供了更好的灵活性和可扩展性,使开发人员能够根据运行时条件动态地构建查询。 对于EF 6,可以使用DbSet<T>.Where方法来构建动态Where子句。例如: 代码语言:csharp 复制
使用EF Core 的 ASP.NET Core 应用中的典型模式涉及通过AddDbContext将自定义DbContext类型注册到依赖关系注入容器。 然后,将通过控制器或 Razor Pages 中的构造函数参数获取该类型的实例。 若要启用上下文池,只需将替换AddDbContext为AddDbContextPool:
尽管EF Core 负责重置 DbContext 及其相关服务的内部状态,但它通常不会重置位于 EF 外部的基础数据库驱动程序中的状态。 例如,如果手动打开并使用 DbConnection 或以其他方式操作 ADO.NET 状态,则必须在将上下文实例返回到池之前还原该状态,例如通过关闭连接。 不执行此操作可能会导致状态在不相关的请求中泄露。编译...
This worked fine until moving from EF core 5 to EF core 6. With EF core 6 the result list contains some null values (which should not be the case because the where condition asks for not null). Is there some breaking change / limitation in EF core 6 I'm not aware of or is this...
In SQL, the WHERE clause is evaluated before the OFFSET and LIMIT clauses; but in the LINQ query above, the Take operator appears before the Where operator. As a result, such queries could return incorrect results.New behaviorStarting with EF Core 9.0, such queries are no longer translated,...
efcore支持mongodb嘛 围绕EMF探索(1)之存储 EMF(Eclipse Modeling Framework)的应用会越来越多,而围绕EMF的query, validate, transaction, persistency等等讲逐渐被大家使用,以及EMF eCore也有非常大的参考价值。今天先讲讲EMF的存储与查询方面的内容。 首先讲讲EMF对象的存储...
But no rows are returned as the generated sql's where clause is always false. Could you please tell me if this is expected behaviour ? Include provider and version information EF Core version: 8 ( i have tried with 9 rc2 as well) Database provider: (Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer...
EF Core also translates queries where an aggregate operator on the grouping appears in a Where or OrderBy (or other ordering) LINQ operator. It usesHAVINGclause in SQL for the where clause. The part of the query before applying the GroupBy operator can be any complex query as long as it ...