} }//不建议用特性指定,这里只是为了演示[Owned]publicclassModifyUser : ValueObject {publicstringName {get;privateset; }publicstringTel {get;privateset; }publicModifyUser(stringname,stringtel ) {this.Name =name;this.Tel =tel; }protectedoverrideIEnumerable<object>GetAtomicValues() {yieldreturnName +...
EF8 now supports “Complex Types” to cover this third type of object. Complex types in EF Core are very similar to complex types in EF6, but there are some differencee. Complex type objects: Are not identified or tracked by key value. Must be defined as part of an entity type. (In...
BinaryExpression equalExpr;object? otherValue =null;if(other !=null) { otherValue = prop.GetValue(other); } Type propType = prop.PropertyType;varleftExpr = MakeMemberAccess(propAccessor.Body, prop); Expression rightExpr = Convert(Constant(otherValue), propType);if(propType.IsPrimitive) { equ...
I want to call a user defined SQL SERVER function and use as parameter a property that is a value object. The EF Core documentation shows only samples with primitive types. I can't manage to create a working mapping. The entities of our ...
EF Core is a modern object-database mapper for .NET. It supports LINQ queries, change tracking, updates, and schema migrations. EF Core works with SQL Server, Azure SQL Database, SQLite, Azure Cosmos DB, MariaDB, MySQL, PostgreSQL, and other databases through a provider plugin API. Install...
本文带你更深入地研究访问EF Core 5的一些元数据和其有趣的使用方式。 1、将EF的ToTraceString移植为EF Core的ToQueryString 在Entity Framework的第一个迭代版本中,没有内置的日志记录。但是有ObjectQuery.ToTraceString(),这是一种运行时方法,可以动态计算LINQ或Entity SQL查询的SQL,尽管这不是一个...
有个实体属性定义为int类型,但数据库查询结果中出现了NULL值,将类型改为int?解决了 ...
publicclassPersonName:ValueObject<PersonName> {publicstaticPersonNameCreate(stringfirst,stringlast){returnnewPersonName (first, last); }privatePersonName(){ }privatePersonName(stringfirst,stringlast){ First = first; Last = last; }publicstringFirst {get;privateset; }publicstringLast {get;privateset...
EF Core 内置有用于快照截取和比较数据库中使用的大多数标准类型的逻辑,所以用户通常不需要担心这个问题。 但是,当通过值转换器映射属性时,EF Core 需要对任意用户类型执行比较,这可能很复杂。 默认情况下,EF Core 使用由类型定义的默认相等比较(例如Equals方法);对于快照截取,将复制值类型以生成快照,而对于引用类型...