在EF Core 1.1中依然存在Add、Attach、Update方法,我们通过上下文或者DbSet<TEntity>能够看到,当将实体传递到这些方法中时,它们与实体追踪可达图紧密联系在一起,比如说我们之前讨论的博客的导航属性文章的发表,当我们添加文章的发表的这个实体时,然后调用Add方法后此时文章的发表这个实体也就被添加。在EF 6.x中我们说...
then when loading an entity, EF Core will automatically set the navigation properties of the newly-loaded entitiy to refer to any entities already loaded, and set the navigation properties of the already-loaded entities to refer to the
Entity Framework Plus 使用下列功能擴充 DbContext:Include Filter、Auditing、Caching、Query Future、Batch Delete、Batch Update 等等。 針對 EF Core:2-9。 網站|GitHub 存放庫|NuGet Entity Framework 擴充功能 使用高效能大量作業擴充 DbContext:BulkSaveChanges、BulkInsert、BulkUpdate、BulkDelete、BulkMerge 等等。
modelBuilder .Entity<UserSession>() .HasPartitionKey(e => new { e.TenantId, e.UserId, e.SessionId }); 提示 此分区键定义遵循从 Azure Cosmos DB 文档中选择分层分区键中给出的示例。请注意,从 EF Core 9 开始,任何映射类型的属性都可以在分区键中使用。 对于 bool 和数值类型(如 int SessionId...
安装Entity Framework Core 创建模型 显示另外 4 个 在本教程中,将创建一个 .NET Core 控制台应用,该应用使用 Entity Framework Core 对 SQLite 数据库执行数据访问。 你可在 Windows 上使用 Visual Studio,或在 Windows、macOS 或 Linux 上使用 .NET CLI 来学习本教程。
默认情况下,EF Core 使用不受约束的 Unicode 字符串列类型来保存 JSON,因为这可以防止大型集合丢失数据。 但是,在某些数据库系统(如 SQL Server)上,为字符串指定最大长度可以提高性能。 这与其他列配置一起可以使用正常方式完成。 例如:C# 复制 modelBuilder .Entity<PrimitiveCollections>() .Property(e => e...
EF Core 5.0 supports many-to-many relationships without explicitly mapping the join table. For example, consider these entity types: Copy public class Post { public int Id { get; set; } public string Name { get; set; } public ICollection<Tag> Tags { get; set; } } public class Tag {...
EF6.3 Without Windows! While I haven’t taken EF6.3 for a real ride, I am amazed and impressed that I was able to do this entire proof of concept in a non-Windows environment. I wouldn’t begin a new project using EF6.3. All new work should use EF Core, which has so many advanta...
The core commands are database, dbcontext and migrations; migrations has the following sub-commands: XML add Add a new migration list List the migrations remove Remove the last migration script Generate a SQL script from migrations Each command has parameters you can query by adding --help, lik...
F# 5 update for August Phillip Carter Today, the Entity Framework Core team announces the eighth and final preview release of EF Core 5.0. The next release will be a release candidate (RC). This release includes table-per-type (TPT) mapping, table-valued functions, SQLite table rebuilds ...