sql server 是有这个概念的, 可以在 rollback 的时候选一个 save point. 这个也是模拟 nested transaction scope 的做法. 之前我是用system.transaction来处理 nested transaction 的 (虽然 ef 并没有推荐). 而现在我觉得如果可以的话尽...
The only operations executed outside of a transaction are the ones that can't be inside of one. We are using .Net Core 2.2, mysql DB with pomelo.efcore.mysql library to access it We had more than once, a migration that would fail on our server when being applied. It is usually in...
Also, with PostgreSQL when matching is done it requires UniqueIndex so for custom UpdateByProperties that do not have Un.Ind., it is temporarily created in which case method can not be in transaction (throws: current transaction is aborted; CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY cannot run inside a transactio...
However, if your code initiates a transaction usingBeginTransaction()you are defining your own group of operations that need to be treated as a unit, and everything inside the transaction would need to be played back shall a failure occur. You will receive an exception like the following if ...
EF Core generates two roundtrips for this--one to insert the principal and get back the new primary key, and a second to insert the dependents with the foreign key value set. And since there are two statements for this, a transaction is needed, meaning there are in total four roundtrips:...
Notice that each migration is now applied inside a transaction. Copy BEGIN TRANSACTION; GO CREATE TABLE [Groups] ( [Id] int NOT NULL IDENTITY, [Name] nvarchar(max) NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_Groups] PRIMARY KEY ([Id]) ); GO CREATE TABLE [Members] ( [Id] int NOT NULL IDENTITY, [Name] ...
是指在Entity Framework Core中,使用where Func进行查询时,有时候不会生成SQL的where子句。 在EF Core中,我们可以使用Lambda表达式或Func委托来定义...
{awaitInside(); scope.Complete();//这里依然不会解锁, 要等到 scope 释放}//直到 using 结束才会解锁 table 哦returnOk("ok"); } 总结: 每次设置级别后最好是设置回去. 不然全场都会使用高级锁. ef core 有 unit of work 的概念,当我们 save change 时会自动使用 transaction 确保更新的一致性. 隔离级...
However, if your code initiates a transaction usingBeginTransaction()you are defining your own group of operations that need to be treated as a unit, and everything inside the transaction would need to be played back shall a failure occur. You will receive an exception like the following if ...
Is it possible to do the rollback of all commands from the batch of SaveChangesAsync without doing a rollback of the outer transaction?EF Core version: Database provider: (Npgsql.EntityFrameworkCore.PostgreSQL) Target framework: (.NET 6.0)...