efcore默认执行sql语句需要 dbContext.Set<T>().FromSqlRaw(sql, parameters); 必须定义具体的泛型参数T的实体类,然后在dbContext中包含 public virtual DbSet<User> User { get; set; }, 如下函数可省去model的定义,也无需在dbContext中做额外操作,返回任意类型 public List<TResult> SqlQuery<TResult>(str...
捕获与非实体类型从 Sql 查询的结果 查询类型的重要让 DbContext 生成器知道应作为一种查询类型识别类型。通过创建 DbQuery 属性的上下文中或使用 ModelBuilder.Query 方法执行该操作。这两个新。 如果已在所有使用 EF 或 EF Core,您应熟悉 DbSet,允许您查询和更新的 DbContext 通过一个特定类型的实体的 EF 类。
包含DbSet<T> 類型的屬性,代表資料庫中的資料表。EF Core 提供者會將物件圖形變更翻譯成 SQL。資料庫提供者:是一種為特定資料庫引擎 (例如 SQL Server、Azure Cosmos DB 或 PostgreSQL) 設計的外掛程式程式庫。 將方法呼叫和 LINQ 查詢轉換為資料庫的原生 SQL 方言。 延伸EF Core,以啟用資料庫引擎唯一的功能...
提示 此处显示的代码来自 RawSqlSample.cs。使用非映射类型的查询是使用 SqlQuery 或SqlQueryRaw 执行的。 前者使用字符串内插来参数化查询,这有助于确保所有非常量值都被参数化。 例如,考虑以下数据表:SQL 复制 CREATE TABLE [Posts] ( [Id] int NOT NULL IDENTITY, [Title] nvarchar(max) NOT NULL, [...
Entity Framework Core allows you to drop down to SQL queries when working with a relational database. SQL queries are useful if the query you want can't be expressed using LINQ, or if a LINQ query causes EF to generate inefficient SQL. SQL queries can return regular entity types orkeyless...
version: '3.4' services: coreapi: image: ${DOCKER_REGISTRY-}api build: context: . dockerfile: Dockerfile ports: - 80:80 db: image: mcr.microsoft.com/mssql/server environment: SA_PASSWORD: "P@ssword1" ACCEPT_EULA: "Y" ports: - "1601:1433" The last change to make is the connect...
EF Core 1.1 requires an explicit mapping in the DbContext to inform EF that it can use the _dueDate field to map to the database, for example when returning the results of a query. You must use the Property (and optionally HasField) API methods to specify that the _dueDate field...
EFCore/v.Nuget: EFCore2.1/v2.4.1 EFCore2.0/v2.0.8, and for EF Core 1.x use 1.1.0 (targeting NetStandard 1.4) Under the hood uses SqlBulkCopy for Insert, for Update/Delete combines BulkInsert with raw Sql MERGE. For SQLite there is no BulkCopy, instead library uses plain SQL comb...
Current version is using EF Core 2.1. For EF Core 2.0 install 2.0.8 Nuget, and for EF Core 1.x use 1.1.0 (targeting NetStandard 1.4) Under the hood uses SqlBulkCopy for Insert, for Update/Delete combines BulkInsert with raw Sql MERGE (MsSQL 2008+). Available on latest version. Pac...
After Insert is done to first table, we need Id-s (if using Option 1) that were generated in Db because they are FK(ForeignKey) in second table. It is implemented withOUTPUTas part of MERGE Query, so in this case even the Insert is not done directly to TargetTable but to TempTable ...