EF Core uses “discriminator synthesis” to determine which table the data comes from, and hence the correct type to use. This works because the LEFT JOIN returns nulls for the dependent ID column (the “sub-tables”) which aren’t the correct type. So for a dog, [d].[Id] will be ...
EF Core can hide the join entity type and manage it behind the scenes. This allows the navigations of a many-to-many relationship to be used in a natural manner, adding or removing entities from each side as needed. However, it is useful to understand what is happening behind the scenes...
EF Core, however, can’t automatically infer owned entities. You must specify this in the DbContext Fluent API mappings in the OnModelCreating method using the new OwnsOne method to specify which property of that entity is the owned entity:...
Entity Framework visual design surface and code-first code generation for EF6, Core and beyond - msawczyn/EFDesigner2022
When using multiple properties with backing fields with an owned type with the InMemory database, inserting an entity into the database and calling SaveChanges() causes an exception. This does not happen if there is only one property wit...
EF Core 5.0 supports many-to-many relationships without explicitly mapping the join table. For example, consider these entity types: Copy public class Post { public int Id { get; set; } public string Name { get; set; } public ICollection<Tag> Tags { get; set; } } public class Tag {...
However, in our code,we may find it useful to have all this information inside one entity. In this way, when we will be making a query for an entity, EF Core will automatically make a join between those tables and provide us with the full entity data. Moreover, when we create, updat...
Tuning up my EF Core query Making sure EF Core could translate all parts of my LINQ query to SQL Tweaking my query by adding a user defined function Going SQL – moving the query to Dapper Modifying the database – adding cached values (this is running onefcoreinaction.com) ...
Request Id: e33b19af-7ed2-48a6-8b60-eefa4c963900 Correlation Id: 8cc94754-5cbb-4ac5-91ef-1637be54c33 buenas al conectarme a microsoft teams me sale este error, mi administrador me ha dicho que ya me ha aceptado las licencias pero no me deja ent...