数据库有一个称为级联删除的设置,EF Core 有两种删除行为(译注:确切地说有 6 种,这里说两种应该是指其中的与当前所讲内容相关的两种),Cascade 和 ClientCascade。这些行为导致硬删除一行也硬删除任何依赖于该行的数据。例如,在我的图书销售应用程序中,Book 被称为主体实体,而 BookAuthor 链接表则是依赖实体,因为...
软删除就是是 EF Core 版本的实体类回收站(实体类是通过 EF Core 映射到数据库的类的术语),它从正常使用中消失了,但是你可以取回它。 我的客户的两个应用程序广泛地使用了软删除。任何“删除”的普通用户确实设置了软删除标志,但一个管理员用户可以重置软删除标志为“取回”用户。事实上,我的一个客户用“删除...
The EF Core in-memory database does not currently support cascade deletes in the database.Warning Do not configure cascade delete in the database when soft-deleting entities. This may cause entities to be accidentally really deleted instead of soft-deleted.Database cascade limitationsSome databases...
Add a "PerformCascades" method to the context. This would run cascade delete code when called. Add a context option to make cascading happen immediately on delete Add similar method/option for delete fixup, or have the cascade method/option do the fixup also. on Oct 19, 2017 EF Core mar...
Updates for EF Core 6.0 Re-write cascade delete documentation Testing Run SqlServer tests on Ubuntu in Helix Add Include tests with smaller datasets Re-enable Cosmos concurrency tests Re-enable flaky CI tests on SqlServer on Ubuntu Query/Test: figure out how to represent shadow properties in ...
在.NET Core 项目钟(类库),使用Entity Framework,建立模型生成数据库时,失败 Could not load assembly 'xxx'...改成 64 位即可 假设 ef 代码 public class ApplicationDbContext : IdentityDbContext { public ApplicationDbContext...HasForeignKey(d => d.GroupId) .OnDelete(DeleteBehavior.Cascade); } }...
For example, the concept of a model builder that allows you to configure your model will be part of the core framework. However, the ability to configure things such as cascade delete on a foreign key constraint will be included as extensions in the relational database provider....
第二种方式:使用.Net Core CLI,执行以下命令 1#dotnet ef dbcontext scaffold "数据库连接字符串" 数据库提供程序 -o 输出文件夹2dotnet ef dbcontext scaffold"server=localhost;port=3306;database=blogging;user=root;password=admin;"MySql.Data.EntityFrameworkCore -o Models ...
Core loss铁(芯损)耗 Corner角落 Correction修正、改正 Corrosion腐蚀 Cost价格、成本、费用 Cost of fuel燃料费用 Cost of upkeep日常费用、维护费用 Coupler联轴器 Coupling耦合、联轴 Couple CPL联轴器 Crane起重机 Critical临界的 Critical speed临界速度 Crusher碎渣机 Current transformer CT电流互感器 Cube立方(体)...
bdump目录下是 background进程留下的文件 cdump目录是 core进程转存的文件 udump应该是 user进程留下的文件 系统进程出错前写入的信息.一般不可能读懂. 你可以通过以下 SQL找到他的路径 selectvaluefromv$PARAMETERwherename='user_dump_dest'; SQL>altersessionsettimed_statistics=TRUE; SQL>altersessionsetevents'...