Nouveautés dans EF Core 8.0 Changements cassants dans EF Core 8.0 Le plan pour EF Core 9.0 Bien démarrer Mises en production et planification (feuille de route) Configuration et initialisation de DbContext Créer un modèle Gérer des schémas de base de données Rechercher des données Enregi...
Main What’s New in EF Core What’s New in EF Core Issues and feature requests for EF Entity Framework
The previous SQL generated by EF Core forContainsinserted the parameterized values as constants in the SQL. For example, the following LINQ query: c# varnames =new[] {"Blog1","Blog2"};varblogs =awaitcontext.Blogs .Where(b => names.Contains(b.Name)) .ToArrayAsync(); ...
The code is adapted from the samples referenced in the documentation: These are the entities and DbContext. Note the only relevant change from the official sample is the change ...
Main documentation: What’s New in EF Core 8: What’s New in EF Core 7: Issues and feature requests for EF Core: Entity Framework Roadmap: Bi-weekly updates: 9 3 0 ...
EF Core 8 (EF8) EF Core 8 (EF8) will be the next release after EF Core 7.0. It will be released alongside .NET 8 in November 2023. TheEF Core 8 Planis available publicly in our documentation. As always,feedback is greatly appreciated. This plan is not set-in-stone; we expect it...
dotnetaddpackage Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Design 確認安裝 執行下列命令以確認 EF Core CLI 工具是否已正確安裝: .NET CLI dotnetef 命令輸出會辨識使用中工具的版本: 輸出 _/\__ ---==/ \\ ___ ___ |. \|\ | __|| __| | ) \\\ | _| | _| \_/ | //|\\ |___||_| / \\...
SeeWorking with nullable reference typesin the EF Core documentation for more details. Interception of database operations The new interception API in EF Core 3.x allows providing custom logic to be invoked automatically whenever low-level database operations occur as part of the normal operation of...
For a reminder of what that looks like, check out the Microsoft ASP.NET documentation on seeding with EF6 at In EF Core 2.1, the seeding workflow is quite different. There is now Fluent API logic to define the seed data in OnModelCreating. Then, when you create a ...
Pretty simple. Libraries don’t need all of the ASP.NET Core stuff I’m used to using, just the NETStandard Library. The .NET Standard Library encapsulates what’s common across the various places .NET can now run. From the .NET Standard documentation (, “The .NET St...