屹耳- Eeyor..屹耳(Eeyore)是百亩森林里一头十分悲观的驴子,他觉得整个世界都是一个十分阴沉而处於宿命论下的地方。屹耳很善良,很幽默。他是一个忧郁的哲学家。对於自己所拥有的一切总是充满了感谢。最喜欢顾影自怜,享
Eeyore释义 n.屹耳(动画角色)双语例句 1 " Yes," says Piglet. "And I can share with you and Eeyore."“是的,”小猪说,“我还能跟你和屹耳分享食物。”2 I was in the lowest of moods and moped around the house like a modern-day Eeyore.我心情低落,像个现代的屹耳一样没精打...
His name comes from the sound a donkey makes. Take your English to the next level The Oxford Learner’s Thesaurus explains the difference between groups of similar words. Try it for free as part of the Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary app Check pronunciation: Eeyore...
―Eeyore[src] Eeyoreis an old stuffed donkey belonging toChristopher Robinthat first appeared inDisney's1966theatrical shortWinnie the Pooh and the Honey Tree. Likely a result of being "stuffed with sawdust", Eeyore is depicted as perpetually gloomy, depressed, sarcastic, and pessimistic. ...
小熊-维-尼屹尔屹耳驴伊尔驴Eeyore公仔玩偶毛绒玩具儿童生日礼物 石家庄市长安区淘源坊玩具批发部 11年 回头率: 21.6% 河北 石家庄市长安区 ¥58.00 成交4个 百亩森林小熊维尼历险记伊尔驴Eeyore驴子毛绒玩具公仔礼物洋娃娃 石家庄市长安区淘源坊玩具批发部 11年 回头率: 21.6% 河北 石家庄市长安区 ...
Eeyore 添加到生词本 英汉-汉英词典 n. 屹耳( 色) 用户正在搜索 coal-cutter-loader,coal-drop,coaler,coalesce,coalescence,coalescent,coalescer,coaleum,coalface,coal-factor, 相似单词 EEROM,eery,EES,EET,EETS,Eeyore,EEZ,EF,ef-,EF-111A, 英汉-汉英词典...
Slipknot - Eeyore 专辑:9.0: Live 歌手:Slipknot Meet the man that made me Greet the can that I came from Oh the f**king sacred heart of jesus Blew it in the back room Feelin like a real goon Slam the f**k aside man I'm on you're not ...