EEX日本電力先物 3周年記念イベント EEX Japan Power Futures 3rd Anniversary event Tokyo, 7 June, 2023 EEX's Journey in Japan Power futures EEX日本電力先物の道のり Robust growth leading to new stage / 急激な成長を遂げる2023年 May 2020 EEX/ECC Clearing service クリアリング サービス...
Power Open submenu Natural Gas Open submenu Hydrogen Open submenu Environmentals Open submenu Agriculturals Open submenu Global Commodities Open submenu Energy Certificates Open submenu Market Data Open submenu Market Data Market Data Hub Open submenu EEX Group DataSource Products & Solutio...
The European Energy Exchange (EEX) is to offer to 10 year-ahead power futures for the German, Italian and Spanish markets to support increased uptake of renewable power purchase agreements, it said July 22. From Sept. 27, yearly maturities will be extended from the current six to 10 calenda...
EEX Group reports its February monthly volumes with the following highlights: The EEX Group Global Power markets achieved a monthly trading volume… Read more ECC Clearing Circular 10/2025 | Launch of central limit order book for Japanese Power Futures 03/05/2025 Summary From 22 April 2025...
After the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895, Britain again forced the Qing government to sign the Convention Between Great Britain and China Respecting an Extension of Hong Kong Territory on June 9, 1898, by which the New Territories w...
Power Natural Gas Environmentals Agriculturals FreightNatural Gas Offering Please find all information about EEX’s Natural Gas offering in the section Markets > Natural Gas. EEX’s Natural Gas market data for spot, futures, options and indices are located at Market Data > Natural Gas. Discover...
2 Agenda Introduction of Bob Takai Update on EEX trading activity Cascading EEX Japan Power Data Package Q&A 3 The first 100 days of EEX Japanese Power Futures A successful start into a new era EEX successfully launched the clearing service for Japanese Power Futures on 18th May 2020....