EEX also provides registry services as well as auctions for Guarantees of Origin, on behalf of the French State. More information: Market Data Find here market data of: Power Natural Gas Environmentals Agriculturals Freight
EEX also provides registry services as well as auctions for Guarantees of Origin, on behalf of the French State. More information: GET Baltic, owned by the European Energy Exchange (EEX) and Lithuanian gas transmission system operator ...
Das Volumen im Strom-Terminhandel der EEX Power Derivatives lag im Februar bei 90,4 TWh (Vorjahresmonat: 86,2 TWh). Darin enthalten sind 4,1 TWh aus dem Handel mit French Power Futures. Im Terminhandelsvolumen sind 62,2 TWh aus dem OTC-Clearing enthalten. Per 26.02.2010 betrug das Op...
Coal Futures API 4 (RB, South Africa) 1 German Power Spot French Power Spot Austrian Power Spot Swiss Power Spot Trilateral Market Coupling EMCC, CWE Romanian, Swiss, Italian, Scandinavian, Spanish Power and EUR Coal Futures for OTC ...
It will launch a liquefied natural gas (LNG) contract Reitz said EEX’s market share was set to rise in Italian, Spanish and French power, while it had launched trucking freight futures
How Mathematical Morphology allows spatial analysis of aggregated data: home-building evolution in the French Riviera during the The process of people and activities concentration on the coast, named littoralization, is a strong trend in the Mediterranean regions. If the causes of th... A– Avigno...
EEX also provides registry services as well as auctions for Guarantees of Origin, on behalf of the French State. More information: Market Data Find here market data of: Power Natural Gas Environmentals Agriculturals Freight
EEX Group Volume Report – May 2023 Commodity EPEX Power Spot Market Europe (MWh)1 Total Volume EPEX Day-Ahead Total Volume EPEX Intraday EEX Power Derivatives Market Europe (MWh) German Power Futures French Power Futures Italian Power Futures Spanish Power Futures Belgian Power Futures Dutch ...
Significant growth was reported both on European Power Derivatives market (814 TWh, + 73% YoY) as well as a record month in terms of volume for Japanese Power Futures (7.5 TWh). On individual European markets, the German, French and Belgian power ...
EEX also provides registry services as well as auctions for guarantees of origin, on behalf of the French State. More information: The European Power Exchange EPEX SPOT SE and its affiliates operate physical short-term electricity markets...