Worked with UKEESS and their Workday team on couple projects for different clients and their team demonstrated a deep understanding of Workday’s capabilities and worked tirelessly to tailor the system to our specific needs. Their ongoing support and consulting services have been invaluable, ensuring...
system of juusstiiccee tthhaatt ourr courrttss can handle claaiimmss thhaatt oorriiggiinnaateteddoovveer rfifftyyyyeeaars agoo in aannootthheerr ppaarrtt ooff tthhee wwoorrlldd.. LLoonnggeesstatabbllisishheed priinncciipplleess of judiicciiaall jjuurriissddiiccttioionn,,cchhooiiccee ...
The annual health budget is usually well below 10% of the total budget. For instance; in 2015, it was 6.3%, whereas in 2016, it dropped to about 3.7%. In general, the country's health system may be described as weak due to inadequate funding and supervision. Nigeria, being a tropical...