This review highlights the advancements in composite structural LTMOs for sodium-ion batteries, focusing on their structure–function–performance relationships and offering insights into methodologies to develop more efficient battery materials. EES Batteries, 2025...
最后,作者对所涵盖的主题进行了详尽总结并提出了前瞻性的观点和见解。相关成果以“Some basics and details for a better dual-ion battery”为题发表在Energy & Environmental Science上。文章的第一作者是哈尔滨理工大学材料科学与化学工程学院硕...
与湿法冶金相比,EverBatt分析显示,瞬态电池回收显著降低能源和碳足迹(~50X减少),接近零废物产生,和更高的利润(甚至4.78$/公斤的负极),从而使其实用的直接回收电池材料具有杰出的效率、可持续性和可扩展性。该工作以“Transient and dry recycling of battery materials with negligible carbon footprint and roll-to-...
Vacancy-rich Al-doped MnO2 cathode breaks the trade-off between kinetics and stability for high-performance aqueous Zn-ion battery,Energy & Environmental Science 2023 DOI: 10.1039/d3ee01659e
Navigating the Unique Recruitment Market in Germany and Europe for Solar, Wind and Battery Projects The smarter E Podcast Episode 209 | Language: English March 20, 2025 Tom Essex, Co-Founder and Managing Partner of Kigyo Solutions, explains that the energy transition could require over 1 million...
此外,该工作还为精细有机合成与定向储能材料设计之间架起了一座桥梁,对未来其他有机合成反应在储能领域的应用起到了一定的指导作用。其成果以题为“Unlocking the Local Structure of Hard Carbon to Grasp Sodium-ion Diffusion Behavior for Advanced Sodium-ion Battery”在国际知名期刊Energy & Environmental Science...
近日,中国科学技术大学姚宏斌和上海交通大学梁正课题组在Energy & Environmental Science发表题为“Unraveling interfacial compatibility of ultrahigh nickel cathode and chloride solid electrolyte for stable all-solid-state lithium battery”的文章。利用原位电化学阻抗谱(EIS)和非原位飞行时间二次离子质谱(ToF-SIMS),...
Cation ordering Ni-rich layered cathode for ultra-long battery life,(Energy Environ. Sci., 2021, DOI: 10.1039/D0EE03774E.) 原文链接:!divAbstract 清新电源投稿通道(Scan)...
其成果以题为“Unlocking the Local Structure of Hard Carbon to Grasp Sodium-ion Diffusion Behavior for Advanced Sodium-ion Battery”在国际知名期刊Energy & Environmental Science上发表。本文第一作者为北京理工大学材料学院博士后冯鑫,通讯作者为白莹教授、吴川教授、李雨副研究员。
该成果以“High-Areal-Capacity and Long-Cycle-Life All-Solid-State Battery Enabled By Freeze Drying Technology ”为题发表在国际知名期刊Energy& Environmental Science(IF=39.714),第一作者为中国科学技术大学硕士生马腾欢。 【核心内容】 图1 Li3InCl6三种不同合成方法示意图。(a)冷冻干燥法;(b)水合法...