aPIPE-RACK BOG RECONDENSER FOUNDATIONS DETAILS AND SECTIONS PIPE-RACK沼泽RECONDENSER基础细节和部分[translate] a3. Contaminated shot (dust, oil, water, and broken shot). 3. 污染的射击(尘土、油、水和打破的射击)。[translate] aEEPROM Read Error EEPROM读入错误[translate]...
EEPROM (Electrically Erasable Programmable read only memory)是指带电可擦可编程只读存储器。是一种掉电后数据不丢失的存储芯片。 EEPROM 可以在电脑上或专用设备上擦除已有信息,重新编程。一般用在即插即用。 二. 使用时一些特点 (1)在一般使用时,它是即插即用; (2)常用在接口卡中,用来存放硬件设置数据; ...
void ReadRx(unsigned int Address) { // Uint16 Error; if(RxStatus == I2C_MSGSTAT_SEND_NOSTOP) { while( ReadEeprom(Address) != I2C_SUCCESS ); //Error = ReadEeprom(Address); //if(Error == I2C_SUCCESS) { pStatus = &RxStatus; RxStatus = I2C_MSGSTAT_SEND_NOSTOP_BUSY; ...
eeprom_read_timing = 3, 3, 100 Try the following parameter: Code: eeprom_read_timing = 10, 10, 100 From the command prompt, type eyelink2.exe to run the tracker several times to see if the issue replicates. If that does not help. Please download the attached fixeep.zip file. fix...
eepromReturnValue = Em_EEPROM_Read(LOGICAL_EEPROM_START, eepromArray, LOGICAL_EEPROM_SIZE); if(eepromReturnValue!= CY_EM_EEPROM_SUCCESS) { HandleError(); } /* 如果 EEPROM 的第一個位元組不是 'P',則寫入資料 */ if(eepromArray[0] != ASCII_P) ...
打个比方,EEPROM类似于铅笔和橡皮,FLASH类似钢笔 EEPROM:想修改数据,直接上橡皮擦了要改的地方然后...
return EEPROM_ERROR; } } } return EEPROM_SUCCESS; } } 21.4.3EEPROM buf读取接口函数 EEPROM buf读取接口函数实现如下,通过该函数可实现对EEPROM任意地址的多字节数据读取,内部也对读取的地址进行自动识别从机地址。 C EEPROM_STATE eeprom_buffer_read_AT24C16(uint8_t* p_buffer, uint16_t read_address, ...
voidmetering_init(void){/* Load reference values from EEPROM */metering_reference_value = eeprom_read_word((void*) EE_METERING_REF ); metering_calibration_power = eeprom_read_word((void*)EE_METERING_CAL_LOAD);#ifMETERING_ENERGY// reset energy metering valuemetering_pulses = metering_pulses_...
(i=0;i<256;i++){if(I2c_Buf_Read[i]!=I2c_Buf_Write[i]){EEPROM_ERROR("0x%02X ",I2c_Buf_Read[i]);EEPROM_ERROR("错误:I2C EEPROM写入与读出的数据不一致\n\r");return0;}printf("0x%02X ",I2c_Buf_Read[i]);if(i%16==15)printf("\n\r");}EEPROM_INFO("I2C(AT24C02)读写测试成功...
I write 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 into the EEPROM , but when i Read I get the value 5, 3, 0, 0, 78, 78 in the buffer. /* Initialize LPI2C Master configuration * - Slave address 0x50 * - Standard operating mode, 5000 Hz frequency * - See LPI2C components for c...