Overbeek3, Jan Palmen4 Cardiorenale uitkomsten van diabetes mellitus type 2 tijdens behandeling met een sulfonureumderivaat in de Nederlandse praktijk SAMENVATTING Inleiding Het is onbekend in hoeverre het risico op cardiovasculaire complicaties verhoogd is bij mensen met diabetes mellitus type 2 ...
1 - (hydroxyfenoxy) - 3 - (oxyethyleenureyleenethyleenamino) - 2 - propanolderivaten and zuuradditiezouten thereof for use as pacemakers, and pharmaceutical preparations containing these compounds.1-Hydroxyphenoxy-3-ureidoethylamino-2-propanol derivatives, processes for their manufacture, ...
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1 - (hydroxyfenoxy) - 3 - (oxyethyleenureyleenethyleenamino) - 2 - propanolderivaten and zuuradditiezouten thereof for use as pacemakers, and pharmaceutical preparations containing these compounds.1-Hydroxyphenoxy-3-ureidoethylamino-2-propanol derivatives, processes for their manufacture, ...