电子能量损失谱学 (EELS) 包括一系列在微观层面上对材料的原子以及化学性质进行探测表征的技术。通过测量电子与样品发生作用后的能量变化,EELS 可以提供很多关于材料结构和成分的重要信息。 EELS 技术对于材料科学和纳米技术尤为重要,这些研究领域中对原子结构和化学性质的准确理解是非常关键的。EELS 技术有很多应用场景,...
电子能量损失谱学 (EELS) 包括一系列在微观层面上对材料的原子以及化学性质进行探测表征的技术。通过测量电子与样品发生作用后的能量变化,EELS 可以提供很多关于材料结构和成分的重要信息。 EELS 技术对于材料科学和纳米技术尤为重要,这些研究领域中对原子结构和化学性质的准确理解是非常关键的。EELS 技术有很多应用场景,...
EELS spectrum images are identical to hyperspectral images for Earth science. Spectral unmixing algorithms have proliferated in the remote sensing field. These powerful techniques can be successfully applied to EELS mapping. Potential of spectral mixture analysis is presented through different examples.关键...
Electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS) mapping of these features in ion milled sections shows that they are lacking significant amounts of mineral or collagen, although their appearance suggests that they are cross sections of collagen fibrils. However, analogous sections prepared using an ...
OptiMAP: determining the best conditions for EFTEM elemental mapping Suppose you decide that it would useful to try to map the chromium in the material you have been considering so far. Is this possible? If so, what is the best way to collect energy filtered images for such a map? To ans...
Vectorize thickness mapping for significant speed-up. Add calibrate spectrum tool. 0.5.3 (2021-03-12): Fix issue with Align ZLP (COM) when using it on empty data. Fix issue with Align ZLP (COM) that caused a bias towards half-integer shifts. ...
In many cases it is important to support experimental images with appropriate simulations, the need for which was first fully demonstrated in the case of quantitative elemental mapping at atomic resolution by Bosman et al. [34]. Fig. 6 compares experimental and simulated images for the Zr M23 ...
It enabled TEM and STEM modes to pick an energy window and generate images utilizing only those electrons with a defined interaction with the sample. Suddenly, elemental mapping became accessible, and (S)TEM images had to be printed in colors. The requirement to correct multiple orders of ...
Collection semi-angles of 111.5 mrad and 57.1 mrad were used for EELS elemental and fine structure mapping, respectively. The diagnosis of image distortions between the SIs was performed on the simultaneously acquired ADF images by a Gatan image alignment plugin, which uses a cross-correlation-...
Both the information analysis via relative entropy measurement and mapping and the factorial analysis of correspondence are demonstrated to be valuable tools for building an elemental map from a set of noisy energy- filtered images recorded in an analytical transmission electron microscope. Although the ...