Actuators,Conferences,MIMICs,Bandwidth,Soft robotics,High frequency,Task analysisIn this paper, we present an evaluation of swimming efficiency of a previously developed tethered eel-inspired soft robot, when the body suffered from partial damage (i.e., losing control) at its lower region (tail ...
Additionally, one of the two electrodes was placed on the electric eel’s head as the positive pole, and the other carbon electrode was positioned on its tail as the negative pole. The voltage between the two electrodes was attenuated to 1/500 of the original signal using a High Voltage ...
Main characteristics are 1) the small terminal spike at the tail tip and 2) the rounded cephalic end (mouth), which provides two small lateral, anteriorly directed sclerotized teeth. Both are followed by a sclerotized apparatus at the posterior end, slightly visible as bifurcate in the ...
(5) packaging, wherein the specific steps for the pretreatment: fresh conger heading, tail, gills, gutted along the spine taken, with a mixture of salt, pepper, and starch obtained by conger body scrub slime removing agent mucous, mucus removal agent to the skin on removal conger; pickled ...
Identifying features: Snake-like body with a tapering tail and blunt snout, with no scales, and no pectoral and pelvic fins; the dorsal, caudal, and anal fins are confluent and reduced to a skin fold—serve to protect the swamp eel against rolling and assist in sudden turns and stops; gi...
RT-PCR analysis showed that the pituitary transcript levels of a subunit steadily increased during eel silvering. The expression of GTH I-b and II-b mRNA levels, however, varied in different ovarian developmental stages. The mRNA expression of both GTH I-b and GTH II-b were detectable in ...
[44] a control-oriented model, aimed at control design and stability analysis purposes, of underwater snake robot locomotion was presented. The proposed model in [44], takes into account the added mass effects, the linear drag forces, the torques due to the added mass and linear drag forces...
An eel feed obtained by adding to a mixed feed a raw material derived from mantis shrimp, in which only the tail portion is removed from the mantis shrimp and the head portion (head shell and content) and body portion (shell and flesh) are used as raw ingredients. The eel feed is ...
More specifically, to account for the variable duration between the moment of injection, nadir pressure and exit between sensors, the time series data were normalized to a passage duration interval from 0 (injection) to 1 (exit from the pump into the tailwater) with the center value (0.5) ...
The repeats are organized as homogeneous long arrays in head-to-tail orientation, and are mostly located in gene-poor heterochromatic chromosomal regions such as centromeres and telomeres, or the euchromatin/heterochromatin of many sex chromosomes [[12], [13], [14], [15], [16], [17], [...