The meaning of EEK is —used to express surprise or dismay. How to use eek in a sentence.
F ig.1 D ot b lotting p icture of p53 and bcl-2 of retina l tis-sue of 20-w eek d iabetic rat. 图1第20周糖尿病大鼠视网膜组织p53bcl-2 dotb lotting。验组为阳反应而对照组为阴反应。 声明:以上例句、词分类均网资源自动生成,部分未经过人工审核,其表达内容亦不代表本软件的观点;若发现...
EEK Also found in: Dictionary, Medical, Financial, Wikipedia. AcronymDefinition EEK Estonian Kroon (Eesti Kroon, Currency Unit) EEK Environmental Education for Kids (electronic magazine; Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources) EEK Eap Encryption Key EEK Eesti Ekspressi Kirjastuse (Estonian: ...
Krysty - Eek
eek的意思是:惊恐的叫声或表示惊恐的情绪。关于eek的详细解释如下:一、eek的基本含义 eek是一个拟声词,通常用来模拟惊恐或惊讶时的叫声。它作为一种非正式的用语,经常在口语或网络环境中出现,用以表达某人的震惊或恐惧情绪。二、eek的使用场景 当人们遇到一些突发事件或令人恐惧的事物时,可能会发出...
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eek interjection(1) Word History and OriginsWord of the DayQuiz Advertisement AmericanBritish eek [ eek ] Phonetic (Standard)IPA interjection (used as an expression of surprise, dismay, fear, or the like): Eek! You’re drifting into other lanes—stop texting and keep your eyes on the road...
Support Eek! Games on Patreon Support Eek! Games on Patreon and help our team and company grow! Patrons get special rewards including early access to in-development and not-yet-released titles. You can also get official walkthroughs for the games and participate in polls to shape our directio...
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