Spaghetti is the plural form of the Italian word spaghetts, which is a diminutive of spago meaning “thin string” or “twine” ( Spaghetto, a single noodle, has helped to form our society from the Neolithic age until today. It has transformed shape, size, has...
嘉庆通宝,钱币版面雕刻精美,经过岁月的洗礼,仍旧可以看出图案和文字的设计感极强,受时代和文化的影响,彰显极高的历史价值和学术价值。 The year number of Jiaqing Emperor is the same as that of the auspicious characters in traditional customs and civilizations. The meaning of "Jiaqing" is perfectly reconci...
those who tell the storys rule society(讲故事的人主导社会)Day45:happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life,the whole aim and end of human existence(快乐是生活的意义和目的,是人类的共同目标和终止)@新东方王艺皓 #一号每日一句# #百日行动派# @新东方 ...