In four children who experienced generalized tonic-clonic seizures, the EEGs demonstrated diffuse delta slowing with no focality. All recovered without neurological deficits or a residual seizure disorder. Of seven children who experienced partial seizures, six had structural lesions on cranial computed ...
Non-epileptic seizures: delayed diagnosis in patients presenting with electroencephalographic (EEG) or clinical signs of epileptic seizures The clinical differentiation between epileptic seizures (ES) and non-epileptic seizures (NES) is often difficult and mostly based on the presence or absenc......
In 40 children, the behavior in question was recorded during TEEG-VR. In 15 patients, this behavior was found to represent epileptic seizures. Although not indicated in all children with suspected epileptic seizures, TEEG-VR can be a useful diagnostic test in selected children. (Am J Dis ...
Magnetoencephalography in Children with Sylvian Seizures and Rolandic EEG Discharges.amygdala-brain diagnosiselectroencephalographyepilepsyhippocampusneurosurgeryseizuresingle-photon emission computed tomographytemporal lobeNo abstract is available for this article.doi:10.1111/j.1528-1157.1996.tb01844.xHIRAIWA,R....
Epilepsy / Seizures N Concussions N Autism Spectrum Disorders N ADHD N Brain Injury N Neuropsychiatric Disorders Bobbi'sStory “Bobbi was told she would never be able to drive a car, never attend college, never hold a full time job and never have a family of her own…” ...
Seizures during video-game play and other common leisure pursuits in known epilepsy patients without visual sensitivity Furthermore, we exposed a large population (212 patients) mostly with severe epilepsy, mainly drug reduced and some sleep deprived, to prolonged video ... CJ Millett,DR Fish,PJ ...
Learning-impaired children can present with a clinical history suggesting additional problems, including attention deficit disorder and absence seizures. Physicians use clinical judgment in diagnosing the former, but rely heavily on the electroencephalogram (EEG) to diagnose the latter. Most clinicians are...
Objectives : To study the value ofEEGin the brain stem injury. 目的: 探讨EEG对 脑干损伤性昏迷的诊断和预后价值. 互联网 Results: Thirteen clinical seizures were observed duringEEGmonitoring. 结果: EEG监测期间共发生13次临床发作. 互联网 EEGautomatic identify is the key technology. ...
Therefore, we introduce XAI4EEG: an application-aware approach for an explainable and hybrid deep learning-based detection of seizures in multivariate EEG time series. In XAI4EEG, we combine deep learning models and domain knowledge on seizure detection, namely (a) frequency bands, (b) location...
P184 Eeg characteristic of complex partial seizures in epileptic children and adolescents and their relation to therapeutic drug monitoring Neurophysiologie Clinique/Clinical Neurophysiology, Volume 20, Issue null, Page 99s HelpYou can get the full-text article here... ...if you are: visitor or ...