however, is the role of non-dual awareness in these deeper forms of meditation. Such non-dual states are understood to be a precursor to the attainment of ‘enlightenment’ in the form of the direct experience ofnirvanaorsuññatā(with its revelatory insight intoanatta)...
A detailed head model was constructed for each participant to model conductivity within the head from each participant’s individual anatomical MRI scan. Fieldtrip was used to construct this model70. The anatomical scan from each participant was first manually labelled to identify the positions of...
The EEG epochs were then corrected by eye movement by using the Ocular Artifact Reduction (Semlitsch et al., 1986) command of SCAN 4.3 (Neuroscan, Inc.) and then underwent movement-artifact detection by using the Artifact Rejection command. For measuring the background EEG pattern of particip...
Modelling complex systems like the brain is challenging1, particularly when studying time-evolving interactions that arise from normal and aberrant neural dynamics across multiple temporal and spatial scales2,3,4. Patterns of brain activation and interactions form the neural correlates of brain states an...
probe, scan, or test the vulnerability of any system or network or breach or circumvent any security or authentication measures; send spam or otherwise duplicative or unsolicited messages in violation of applicable laws; send or store infringing, obscene, threatening, libelous, or otherwise unlawful...
While there is no right time to meditate during the day, you may get different benefits depending on what time you complete your meditation session: Morning: Meditate in the morning to clear your mind, practice gratitude and mentally prep for the day ahead. If you’d like to try a morni...
An estimated individualised MRI scan in the MNI space was used for all the participants. Resting motor threshold (RMT) was calculated as the lowest stimulation intensity that produced a MEP of at least 50 μV in 5 out of 10 consecutive trials in the relaxed FDI [4,13]. When using the ...
‘processing speed’ construct has been defined as the ability to focus attention, quickly scan, and discriminate between (visual) information, and is known to be sensitive to factors such as motivation, difficulty working under time pressure, and motor coordination89. Previous studies have ...
Full size table Prior to the start of each session participants underwent a pre stimulation test to determine their tolerance and comfort with each stimulation montage. Stimulation was delivered for approximately 20 secs (5-sec ramp-up/down) at an initial net current of 1 mA (peak-to-peak)...
The 'processing speed' construct has been defined as the ability to focus attention, quickly scan, and discriminate between (visual) information, and is known to be sensitive to factors such as motivation, difficulty working under time pressure, and motor coordination89. Previous studies have ...