Our results indicate that the proposed decoded EEG neurofeedback-guided cognitive reappraisal training protocol significantly enhanced emotion regulation performance for stimuli with low positive valence. Additionally, wavelet energy and differential entropy features in the high-frequency band played a crucial...
Thematic analysis revealed helpful (active, guiding) and unhelpful (stressful, distracting, incongruent with subjective experience) aspects of feedback. Conclusions EEG neurofeedback appears to increase state mindfulness in adults during a brief meditation. These results support feedback as an effective ...
At the top level, our neurofeedback helps with conditions that are of concern to nearly everyone: stress reactivity, quality of sleep, alertness, energy level, mood regulation, appetite regulation, attention, and cognitive function more generally. Our neurofeedback is training in optimum functioning...
Professional Education Next Course: Introductory Course Mar. 10-14(In person) The Clinic at EEG Info Find a Provider Homecoming for Veterans National Outreach Program Homecoming for Veteransoffers neurofeedback, at no cost, for suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) through a network ...
虽然将EEG和fMRI结合使用可实现精细的空间分辨率和准确的时间分辨率集成,但仍带来许多挑战,比如要实时执行以实现神经反馈(Neurofeedback, NF)循环时。在这项研究里,研究人员描述了在运动想象NF任务期间同时获取的EEG和fMRI的多模态数据集,并补充了MRI结构数据。同时研究人员说明可以从该数据集中提取的信息类型,并说明其...
近期,来自瑞士日内瓦大学的研究团队使用脑电神经反馈的方法让成年ADHD被试自我调节α波的节律,以探索α波振荡对注意力表现和大脑可塑性的调节作用。他们研究团队在NeuroImage Clinical上发表了题为《Linking alpha oscillations, attention and inhibitory control in adult ADHD with EEG neurofeedback》的研究论文(Deiber...
121 Neurofeedback offers EEG biofeedback and neurofeedback therapy in London with Lesley Parkinson who is a specialist in neuro - psychophysiology.
Infra-Low Frequency Neurofeedback impinges on brain-based dysfunctions quite comprehensively, but the resulting improvements in self-regulatory competence cannot typically be captured both quantitatively and unambiguously. A measurable functional challenge is called for, and the Continuous Performance Test (CP...
In the present study, we asked adult ADHD patients to self-regulate their own alpha rhythm using neurofeedback (NFB), in order to examine the modulation of alpha oscillations on attentional performance and brain plasticity. Twenty-five adult ADHD patients and 22 healthy controls underwent a 64-...